
TEMPLATE for a Reimagined Planning Process

by Phil Miglioratti 


Our Options -

  1. …when we begin with our traditionally based or seasonal  schedule, we simply repeat or resume what we have done in the past
  2. …when we begin with objectives, we set goals based on impersonal statistics using the present state-of-ministry as a measuring stick
  3. …when we begin with prayer, the one who promised to build the Church sets a strong foundation and the Spirit points in the right direction. Once the path to the future is established, we can begin to rethink what strategies-ministries-activities are needed and what schedules-meetings-activities work best


A Better Sequence 


1st ~ Sacred

  • Why & How
  • Questions / Reassess / Reimagine


2nd ~Strategic

  • Who & What
  • Objectives / Goals / Measurements 

3rd ~ Schedule

  • When & Where
  • Calendar / Meetings / Activities



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