Steps to unLearning Church

Steps to unLearning Church
by Phil Miglioratti
#ReimagineMINISTRY… Church ... Prayer ... Discipleship ... Evangelism ... Citywide Collaboration ...
​• Aim for a Big Picture Reassessment
  • Past​ - a respectful (unpretentious/unpretending) analysis
  • Present​ - an objective assessment (click and scan for SWOT template)
  • Future​ - a wise applicaton ("These leaders knew the right time to do what needed to be done." 1 Chronicles 12:32 ) 
• Identify These Components
​Past              Present             Future
  • Principles​ - that guide our decisions
  • Priorities​ - we use to determine emphasis, personnel, finances
  • Programs​ - that are intended to produce disciples, missional lifestyles, community impact
  • Practices​ - we rely on to teach, train, deploy
  • Place​s - facilities and environmets where we worship, fellowship, do discipleship, express stewardship, live out Church partnerships
  • Peoples​ - who we were, who we are, who we must become
• Ask Tough Questions

​* Who designed how we perceive this ministry? or, determined how we operate this program​?
​* Who were they?…and in what ways are we different today?
​* Who were they serving?…and how are the persons we are called to reach different today?
​* Who responded well to the style and structure they used?…but who was not considered?…and who was not impacted?
​* Who shoukd be invited to be involved in these discussions about the future?
​* What problem were they solving?
​* What impact did they have?
​* What cultural factors have changed​?
​* What are the 3-5 critical problems we must solve to be effective in this ministr​y​...for this time...and place?
​* What must we unlearn (see "P" component above) in order to reimagine future church?
​* Where (location) were the traditions and practices that have influenced how we think about ministry birthed, lived-out?
​* Where we are now​, how is “place” different for us than those who shaped our principles?
​* Where we are now, how will this palce becoming different? 
* ​When has our church been most effective
* When we look at ourselves today, what bothers us the most?
* When we look back 3-5 years from now, what is your biggest concern?
* When we pray for the future, how will we discern the leading of the Spirit?

​* Why did you begin attending, worshipping, serving here
​* Why do new people think of vivisting our church/minstry?
​* Why are we, what is it that motivates us?
* Why is our meesaging effective with some but not others?
​* How should we begin to ask-seek-knock for direction adn discerment in shaping he future?
​* How coudl changes in the way we communicate (teaching, promotion) bring better results?
* How do we move forward while listenitng to and learning from those who are hesitatn, fearful, disagreeing?

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