SpotLIGHT ~ Dare to #Reimagine Church/Discipleship/Evangelism/Compassion with "Neighboring as Your Strategic Focus

"Neighboring" ~ A Radical #Reset
Our SpotLIGHT is on Lynn Cory
A Podcast + Multi-Stage Interview + Church Case Study with this Pastor-Teacher/ Coach-Strategist
He is not selling a product or pushing a program.
Lynn is casting a REthink-vision and proposes a REset-strategy adaptable to any size/type of congregation/ministry.
Scroll for reviews and resources - Begin to REimagine ... #Church #Discipleship #Compassion #Evangelism #Prayer
Lynn Cory’s greatest passion has been for pastors to work together and to see the Church move outside the walls of the building and to minister in the local community in a naturally supernatural way.
He has found the most natural way to accomplish this is in the neighborhoods where God has placed us ....
Which is why he designed Neighborhood Initiative and authored a series of user-friendly books: "Neighborhood Initiative and the Love of God,"
- “The Incarnational Church"
- "The Kairos Adventure"
- "Jesus’ Secrets"
- "What Happened to the Grassroots Movement of Jesus?"

√ My Latest Interview with Lynn Cory
Jesus is on a Rescue Mission
Jesus modeled a plan for His disciples to follow.
Lynn Cory gives an eye-opening account of what turned the Church away from Jesus’ grassroots movement and redirects and aligns us with the Lord’s Great Commission to make disciples once again.
√My interview with the author
The Kairos Adventure is for believers who want to experience God, right where He has placed them, in a fresh new way and see Him at work in the lives of those in their neighborhood. Join Him on an adventure of a lifetime.
- The inspiring stories will allow you to learn from other’s experiences to help you better relate to and care for people in your own neighborhood.
- Each story is coupled with an insight drawn from that neighborhood experience, followed by an opportunity to reflect and respond.
The reader will learn how to live the kairos life, experiencing God's divine appointments, make lasting relationships with their own neighbors, allowing God in His timing to bring about opportunities to love them and impart the message of the gospel so they will become a disciple of Jesus.
√One Church's Story
What if each of our homes became centers for the loving ministry of Jesus?
What if every one of our neighbors then began to experience the extravagant love of God?
Neighborhood Initiative is for those who want to join a Jesus revolution of love in our cities, neighborhoods, families, workplaces, and schools.
“Neighborhood Initiative and the Love of God” provides resources that equip people to make lasting relationships with their own neighbors. The book answers why neighborhood ministry is important and how those in the Church can get started in their own neighborhood.
Right now.
√My interview with the author
What if pastors embraced Jesus’ Whole Church and genuinely demonstrated love and concern for one another?
What if followers of Jesus in every community worked together to model Jesus’ love and bring His kingdom to their neighborhoods?
The Spirit of God is initiating a “neighboring” strategy.
“The Incarnational Church: Catching Jesus’ Radical Approach for Advancing His Kingdom” is for those who want to join this movement, so that we will see revival and awakening in our cities.
“The Incarnational Church“ is a leader’s resource of real-life examples plus practical steps to get you started in your city, church, and neighborhood to live out the life of Jesus right where He has placed you.
√My interview with the author
The intention of this book is to help us uncover many of Jesus’ secrets for advancing His kingdom—His reign and rule—that are often overlooked.
My hope is that your eyes may see into the invisible realm of Christ in order to take hold of His secrets.
They are available to anyone God will grant eyes to see.
All too often, we who desire to see Jesus’ kingdom advance resort to methods, programs, or our own strategies, which often have a very short shelf life, rather than what Jesus put forth in the Gospels about how His kingdom advances.
Views: 138
Small Church. Big Impact. Your Community
.A Worksheet for Your Prayer/Planning Team
From Lynn COry - -
SOME YEARS BACK, I met for lunch with Bruce Zachary, pastor of Calvary Nexus in Camarillo, CA. We talked about neighboring for his congregation and other churches in Camarillo.
After our barbecue lunch, I didn’t have much hope that anything would materialize from our time together. However, God moved in the following days and weeks and did something very powerful and beautiful in Bruce’s life with neighboring (His story is in my new Grassroots book).
This last Sunday, I had the privilege of listening to Bruce’s Community Life Pastor, Jeremy Einem, teach on neighboring and Neighborhood Groups. My heart was deeply touched by his teaching and that he had captured Jesus’ Great Commandment to Love God and Love neighbors. Afterwards, I said to Jeremy, “I can now die and go to heaven.” Watch his message by clicking here>>>