One of the changes taking place across the world, is the approach to how we educate people.
Media (TV, radio, social sites, video access) has blown past the lecture-by-expert mode if the Industrial era ... for which we built schooling facilities based on the factory model of mass production. Learning was rote (“mechanical or habitual repetition of something to be learned”).
Our technology-driven culture provides a variety of learning experiences, such as video-classes, roundtable interaction, TED talks (mini-lectures), self-discovery ...
So, how to we implement changes by incorporating these modes of learning into our “church service” approach to make-disciples?
A revising of our standardized Sunday-morning-Church format:
Week 1 - The Word: Teach the context and content of a biblical passage (sermonic)
- Instruction
Week 2: - The Body: Apply the truths of that passage to contemporary life (workshop-style; discussion)
- Interaction
Week 3 - The Table - A complete dedication of time to the Lord’s Table (praise, prayer, sharing, healing , the bread & wine)
- Inspiration
Week 4 - The Saints - Focus on equipping for leadership, stewardship, worship, discipleship
- Integration
5th Sundays - The Streets - Presence Evangelism: In the Community; for the Community
- Interface
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The purpose of a format like this is to create a disciple-making rhythm for the entire congregation.
In many churches, discipleship is an extra class or an annual seminar or retreat.
In too many churches, discipleship relies too heavily on a Sunday/weekend sermon.
This monthly rhythm:
Another way to reimagine Sundays/Weekends...
Design a rhythm of devoting a week to each of these disciple-making components:
I would also start with "Citizenship." And not just on Sundays and/or Weekends. Christian leaders and especially laity, should live their faith "in the streets." A Christian does not need to be proselytizing to be Evangelizing.
If actions speak louder than words, they may speak louder than The Word when creating a first impression. Let faith guide your secular actions.
One never knows when the question will be asked, "What makes you so confident or generous or accepting or some other worthy trait?" Already understanding, one can reply, "It ain't me. It's what I have been Given to share."
Then leave it to God. Say whatever the Holy Spirit gives you at the time.
From a National Thought Leader . . .
10 Questions to Consider before Regathering
By Chuck Lawless on May 14, 2020 01:00 amThe possibility of churches gathering again soon has raised several important questions, including: What date should we regather? How do we greet folks from a social distance? How do we take the offering? How will we accommodate our entire church family when we must deal with spacing? Here, though, are some more questions I think we need to ask:
Say a prayer for all the churches in your community as they prepare to navigate the next several months.
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Ponderings ...
Phil Miglioratti @Reimagine.Network
What if ...