






Gerard Long, Executive Director, Prayer at the Heart


Former Executive Director of Alpha* USA, minister, evangelist, author, motivational speaker, and former banking executive.


Find Me / Follow Me here >>> glong@prayerattheheart.org 




• WHAT?  - What is the "1-Question" leaders must ask in order to #ReimagineFutureChurch?


Why don’t we encourage Christians to unite where they live and work to pray and share God’s love with the ‘Lost and Broken’ people around them?



• SO WHAT?  - What makes this an urgent need for leaders to contemplate/explore/discuss/pray into?


There is utter darkness over the land (Eph 6:12) because the Church is not obeying what Jesus told us to do (“the state of a city, county or nation is the direct responsibility of the Church.” John Stott). There are 3 key areas of disobedience – 1. Unity – see Gen 11:6, 2 Chron 7:14, Ps 133, John 13:35, 17:23). 2. Prayer – Is 62:6-7, Luke 18:1-8, Luke 19:46, 1 Thes 5:17.  3. Outreach – Matt 5:14 & 16, 28:19-20, Luke 9:1-4, 10:1-18.


There is only one way to shift the spiritual darkness over the land and that is with spiritual light. Jesus told us that we (Christians) have His light within us. When we live a lifestyle of unity, prayer and sharing God’s love with “Lost and Broken” people, we let our light shine, which drives out the darkness (Luke 110:18). This is how the early Church turned the world upside down and how the Church is expanding in many part of the developing world. It’s a choice between living a life to the flesh or to the Spirit – Gal 5:17, Rev 12:11 and this is a great challenge for the West. BUT, God’s love poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit (Rom 5:5) gives us the motivation to do it – 2 Cor 5:14-15. AND, if we’re willing (Ps 110:3), the Holy Spirit will empower us to be His witnesses Acts 1:8, John 16:14.



• NOW WHAT?  - What action do you recommend we initiate?


30 Minute Prayer Challenge groups are springing up all over the county. This is an organic movement of hope! See and watch at https://prayerattheheart.org/30-minute-prayer-challenge/





Father, I pray that you will revive your Church by opening our eyes and stirring our hearts in great repentance, as we turn from our selfish ways to unite in Christ, pray together and share your love with “Lost and Broken” people. Father, please help us to live with our hearts and minds set on the things above, obeying your word because of our deep love for Jesus. Strengthen our hearts to say “no” to our flesh and “yes” to the Holy Spirit. All for your glory and to see your Kingdom come here on earth as it is in Heaven. Amen




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