#ReimagineFutureChurch: Jeff Hilles * BIblical Worldview12347855258?profile=RESIZE_710x


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Jeff Hilles

Find Me/Follow Me @ Biblical Christian Worldview



• WHAT?  - What is the "1-Question" leaders must ask in order to #ReimagineFutureChurch?


Where is the line between Romans 12:18 and Acts 5:29


          Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone.  Romans 12:18


         Peter and the apostles replied, “We must obey God rather than any human authority.  Acts 5:29



• SO WHAT?  - What makes this an urgent need for leaders to contemplate/explore/discuss/pray into?


Each pastor will have to decide when to support our elected leaders and counsel his partitioners to do likewise and when he must stand for what the Bible teaches, respectfully, firmly, but gracefully.


Teachers will be held accountable at a higher level because of their influence on others (James 3.1).






God, give me  your wisdom to follow Your lead in spiritual battle.


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