Reimagine...VERY Carefully!
Rev. Daryl G. Rahfeldt, Ph.D.
Maybe I'm just old and have been through a lot. I am in the last years of earthly life and perhaps am realizing what is really important.
As a Christian, retired pastor, and theologian, I have come to the conclusion that right doctrine is the main thing. Without that, the church has little to offer, and the church's people just drift aimlessly, looking for this and that experience. I've seen every human-devised method for evangelism and doing church fail to produce results and lead the church into a kind of shallow cultural accommodation. Much of the church is so much like the culture that it has nothing to offer a lost person. The church is just as lost as the society around it.
To be honest, I pray every day that the churches that are not proclaiming Christ and him crucified as their primary message will either repent or close.
As our society becomes more and more pagan, those churches will become completely irrelevant, anyhow. Maybe that sounds harsh, but I am afraid that it is pretty close to the truth. Seeker churches, the emergent church, the purpose-driven church, and the progressive church are just misdirected efforts to try to woo people to Christ by taking away much of what the church is supposed to be and represent because of a fear that non-Christians won't like it or that it will be alien to contemporary culture.
The church in America has been doing that for too long, and those efforts have given us preachers who tell us we can have all our dreams fulfilled by thinking positive thoughts and declaring positive words to ourselves. The church has also become enamored with the various New Thought and New Age gurus who appear on Oprah from time to time.
Unless the church returns to it's biblical, Apostolic, and historic roots, no amount of "reimagining" will insure it's continued health or bring about the salvation of a single soul.
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