How Prayer and Evangelism Can Build Your Church One of my prayer mentors says “People don’t drift naturally toward prayer and evangelism.” (Pastor Shepherd)
Leadership is required to keep these ministries on task.
How can churches and ministries make prayer and evangelism a vibrant and effective part of the life of the church?
1. Leaders lead the way.
Pastor John Maxwell says: "Everything rises and falls on leadership."
Related principle: "[The] goal of leadership is to produce more leaders.” (Ralph Nader) Principle: We gain more traction when we do ministry together
2. Work together as a team/ministry to reach the lost. Working Together on a common goal builds teamwork, trust, camaraderie, increases effectiveness and decreases fear - among other things. Having goals gives us common outcomes to reach for.
Doing ministry together is a core kingdom concept. There are 59 "one anothers" in the New Testament.
Click on this list to view the “one anothers” from the Bible. 3. Refresh a spirit of prayer with specific goals and targets.
Remind our people about the necessity of Biblical (Scripture-focused) Prayer.
a. God's will is in His word. “Your word, LORD, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens.” Psalm 119:89 NIV
b. God has obligated Himself to fulfill the promises in His word.
Prayer Assist provides an equipping session on Biblical Prayer.
Download the FREE 2 page document at this link: 4. Equip and encourage people to be well-rounded in both personal and corporate prayer. See picture below.
A House of Prayer church’s members are well-rounded in Personal and Corporate prayer.
We call them "4-quadrant" praying people.
1. Personal Prayer: Seeking and knowing God personally.
2. Personal Intercession: Seeking God’s will for me, interceding for others.
3. Ministry Prayer: Seeking God’s best for others by praying for and with them.
4. Corporate Intercession: Seeking God’s will for us as a congregation or ministry.
5. Pray by name for people who don't know Jesus.
(See graphic below)
Look for opportunities to share your faith with them and/or invite them to your Easter services.
Lead a "10 Most Wanted" by God Prayer Initiative. Use 10 Most Wanted By God pictured below.
God can grow our faith and love for people who don't know Jesus by praying for them. Each person prays for people who don't know the Lord by name using the promises of God on the bottom of the page, believing God will either give them an opportunity to share the gospel with them or that they would be open to come with them to church on Easter.
The Prayer Assist website has 2 FREE prayer guides to use to pray for
people who don’t know Jesus. See the links below to view or download them.
1. 10 Most wanted by God
2. Praying for Those Yet to Believe" width="1200" height="1698" data-bit="iit" />
Prayer Assist will be doing regional in-person and virtual trainings. Please contact me if we can serve your church, pastors group or ministry. “I planted, Apollos watered, but God [all the while] was causing the growth. So neither is the one who plants nor the one who waters anything, but [only] God who causes the growth.” 1 Corinthians 3:6, 7 AMP