Developing a Praying Culture from Claude V King on Vimeo.

Phil Miglioratti, founder of the National Pastors' Prayer Network, talks about moving a church from a church that prays to a praying church where prayer permeates everything we do. For more helps from Phil go to

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Building a Prayer Culture in Your Church

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  • Building a Prayer Culture in Your Church

    Praying Churches


    Have established a Prayer Culture…

    Every church prays, but not every church is truly a praying church. Praying churches have a culture saturated with prayer; prayer has permeated every family, integrated into every ministry, and has been penetrating into the community


    …That is driven by a Prayer Champion…

    Unless and until the pastor of the church, in congregations small or large, has begun to learn personally how to lead and facilitate prayer corporately, that congregation will remain a church that says prayers. It cannot have a complete culture change with out the leadership or the pastor.


    …Who has taught & trained biblical Prayer Commands…

    The Prayer Champion models a praying life but must also provide the biblical content as a foundation for prayer. Church members young and old, new to the faith and veterans of spiritual wars, must understand the Bible’s teachings on the who, what, where, when, why and how of praying.


    …And has made three difficult Prayer Changes,…

    Change #1 – the leader must change. 

    Change #2 – the list must change. 

    Change #3 – the location must change.

    Praying churches are led by the Holy Spirit – to pray for people, places and things; neighborhoods and nations – from their already-seated-in-heaven position in Christ.


    …Assisted by a Prayer Catalyst…

    Someone with a passion for prayer with a gift for leadership or administration should be appointed to serve alongside of the Prayer Champion.


    …Who helps recruit a Praying Core…

    To help the pastor identify, train and lead those who respond to the challenge to live a life of prayer. These are usually intercessors who recognize a call upon their life to pray without ceasing. They must be given affirmation and opportunities to pray and to share spiritual insights from their time in their prayer closets.


    …toward transforming classes/groups/committees into Prayer Clusters

    A key objective is to train each ministry leader, class teacher, and group director in how to integrate prayer into their ongoing ministry or activity. Prayer that invites participation from those in the group or on the committee. Prayer that permeates the Bible study, agenda discussion or planning session. 


    …That know how to pray differently when they pray,…

    Pray Corporately – the protocol for two or three, or twenty or thirty, or two or three hundred is different than private or around-the-circle-down the list praying

    Pray Courageously – daring to pray in the Spirit with faith, hope and love

    Pray Focused on the Community – asking God for his heart for the people, place and things (issues) that influence and impact the community and culture


    …Re-casting vision and resourcing through Prayer Communication,…

      I should be able to search for the word “pray” or “prayer” and find it on you church’s website, in every Sunday bulletin and monthly newsletter, on bulletin boards and display/book tables, as a sermon title …


    …Making leadership accountable to a Prayer Calendar,…

    A praying church has an established rhythm of praying – daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually


    …And discern God’s ongoing direction and correction through the partnership of a Prayer Coach.

    Much can be gained from a person who knows how to teach and train but also how to coach the congregation’s leaders into a deeper and an outward focused life of prayer.


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