#Reimagine Romans 12:2


Phil Miglioratti

Author’s Note: The impetus of my story below took place last year… but the global COVID-19 has provoked an even greater urgency in my mind and heart. My prayer is that as you read my story, the Holy Spirit will launch you onto a reimagine-journey that will influence your thinking in a way that will forever impact those you serve.

Romans 12:2 transformed my life. Again.

When I was a teenager the Holy Spirit set this scripture as a foundation of my discipleship into serving Christ. It was planted in sermons, watered in scripture reading, and began growing in my prayers.

But always with a singular application; personal. To me. My walk of faith. My calling.

50+ years later, Romans 12:2 is transforming me again.

Now when I hear it in sermons, read it in scripture, inspired by the text as I pray, I am unable to merely make a personal application. I am compelled to extend the reach of the text to the Church. Our mission. Our message. Our ministries.


My paraphrase: Church…don’t be conformed or confined to the systems and strategies of evangelism and disciple-making you’ve designed and developed over the decades or even centuries. Your ministry must be transformed by the renewing of your mind; a fresh rethink in how you communicate with and engage the culture you are called to influence and impact… so that… how you explain and express the Gospel declares and demonstrates that God’s will, is truly good, perfectly satisfying, and moves you toward being a complete person.

Reimagining this scripture is not a wholesale rejection of the past traditions or a repudiation of present trends but a seeking to go beyond a simple updating of methodology. This rethinking is an openness to “sing a new song,” (Psalm 98:1; Revelation 5:9) which springs from a fresh assessment of how the living Word of God relates to a radically and rapidly changing culture. Never changing the inspired message of the Gospel but reimagining how God is creatively at work in this moment or season to reveal the truths of Jesus Christ our Lord.

God’s Word has not changed. But our understanding of how to obey, implement, and communicate God’s will in our unique place and time does. Which is why we need to reimagine prayer if we expect to reengage the mind of Christ as we apply Romans 12:2 to situations that demand a future perspective.


My reimaging-journey helped me perceive prayer, not as the most important thing, but important to everything. Worship. Discipleship. Leadership. Evangelism. Mission. Pray first.

These scriptures have become my template of how to rethink prayer and praying:

  • Ephesians 2:6: We are now co-seated as one with Christ! TPT
    This is what it means to pray “in the name of Christ”- In Christ’s presence; With Christ in His purpose and perspective; By Christ’s authority.
  • Hebrews 7:25: Jesus … lives to pray continually for (us). TPT
    We have an all-access pass (presence) to the intercessory conversation of the Father and the Son (our Redeemer speaking on our behalf to the Creator/Ruler)
  • 1 Thessalonians 5:17: Make your life a prayer. TPT Never stop praying. NLT
    Our all-access pass gives us proximity but also immediacy. We pray from our position with Christ as we consciously communicate in each moment, experience, and circumstance of the day. Pray NOW!


Rather than simply approaching planning, decision-making, and goal-setting by selecting from among the latest best practices or newest resources (i.e., by “leaning on my own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5) or the ideas and programs of others), my goal is to make decisions that result from a process that is truly Spirit-led and Scripture-fed.

  • The leading of the Spirit must be our guide; God coaches us on the journey.
    Our facilitator
    “Be (constantly) filled (under the control of) the Spirit” Ephesians 5:18
  • The feeding from Scripture must be our guard; God reveals truth and wisdom.
    Our foundation
    “Everyone who hears my teaching (even while praying) and applies it to his life can be compared to a wise man who built his house on an unshakable foundation.” Matthew 7:24

Rather than beginning prayer during a planning session or a decision-making discussion with a list of requests (“help us, give us, bless us”), we do well to begin by “asking, seeking, knocking.” Mathew 7:7.

  • Ask… first with a question: How should we proceed? (process) Where are you leading us? (purpose) What is your will? (plans and promises).
  • Seek… by listening for discernment and direction before listing wants and needs through stillness and silence, searching scripture, and sharing around the circle.
  • Knock… and keep on asking-seeking-knocking because we are invited to “Come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. (Hebrews 4:16) …because our Lord told us “Now you can ask, and keep on asking! And you can be sure you’ll receive what you ask for, and your joy will have no limits! (John 16:24)

“Reimagine” is a transitive verb; it indicates a transition from what is (status quo) to a new conception. Failing to invite and involve God (Sovereign Lord, Savior, Spirit) in every stage of our action-plans and each step of goal-setting compromises our ability, as individuals and organizations, to “determine what God really wants—what is good, pleasing, and perfect.” (GW)


People use different paths to begin their journey of faith.

  • Ask the Spirit to give you discernment into the path that suits them (individuals, groups) best.
  • Seek the Lord for direction in how to best engage them at their point of need or readiness.
  • Knock by asking questions first, listening to their story, waiting for a prompt from the Spirit before you respond verbally, with generosity by spending time with them.

Rethink how you would approach someone or a group of people who are on these paths, how you could guide them into a reimagine-journey of their own. Think of people who respond to:

  • Truth – information and interaction, discussion or debate, such as at a Book Club or Bible Study
  • Generosity – meet a practical need
  • Kindness – authentic words or acts of affirmation
  • Advocacy – respond to an injustice that afflicts their life or a cause they believe in
  • Community – invite them into a relational experience
  • Service – ask them to partner with you/your church in a service project
  • Stories – listen to their story, ask authentic questions, share your story when prompted
  • Pray – “How can I pray for you?” “Would you like to pray before/after I pray?”

When we live out Romans 12:2, we:

  • Refuse to be controlled by what is comfortable or popular
  • Pursue (journey) a review (rethinking) that leads to a renewing of mind and ministry
  • Avoid merely exchanging a current practice for a different one
    …by engaging resources that will equip us to know, pray, and communicate God’s will (salvation by grace through faith in Christ” Ephesians 2:8-9) …in God’s way (“This is how God loved the world.” John 3:16)

Start your own reimagine-journey.

Include your family. Invite your cohorts.

Model and motivate others to #ReimagineROMANS12:2

Phil Miglioratti is the curator and coordinator for The #ReimagineFORUM @Discipleship.Network & Pray.Network. His service to the Church spans six decades and includes: creator of Promiseland children’s ministry (Willow Creek Church), pastor of The Woodfield Church, National Facilitator for Citywide Collaboration; Mission America Coalition, Evangelism Conference planning teams (Amplify, City Impact Roundtable, Mission America Coalition), Coordinating Coach for Loving Our Communities to Christ (in cities across U.S.), and National Pastors’ Prayer Network (founder) * National Prayer Committee (member).

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    Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes.


    When we live out Romans 12:2:

    -we are refusing to be controlled by what is comfortable or popular

    -we are pursuing (journey) a reviewing (rethinking) that leads to a renewing

    -we are not merely exchanging a current practice for a different one

    -we are engaging resources that will equip us to know, pray, and communicate God’s      will (salvation by grace through faith in Christ) in God’s way (“This is how God loved the world.” John 3:16)



    The reimagine process is a game changer:

    • I can no longer merely ask the Lord to bless our already-set plans, regardless of how much they were motivated by our pursuit of the Great Commission.
    • I now realize that radical obedience to the Great Commandment requires a deep-and-wide perspective of who-when-and-how to love our neighbors.
    • I am also aware God calls us to apply Romans 12:2 in the context of a Great Collaboration; a beautiful unity of the grand diversity across Body of Christ.


    Start your own reimagine-journey.

    Include your family. Your cohorts.

    Phil Miglioratti

  • GUEST~POST: "Do Not Be Conformed; Repent"


    SPIRITUAL LIFE: Meaning of repent altered in translation

    Suzette Martinez Standring




    The word ‘‘repent’’ has the puritanical flavor of guilt and punishment. It’s a pill of a word with a bad aftertaste, a turnoff to Christianity.

    Recently, I discovered that the original Greek word in the Bible carried a very different meaning from a Latin translation that followed centuries later. To take on a new and life-changing mindset was the word’s original intent.

    The period leading up to Easter is a Christian time of reflection, and Christ’s sacrifice for humanity’s sins is a central theme.

    Think of “sin” as another word for bad choices stemming from our baser feelings – jealousy, anger, bitterness, greed, or gluttony. Repentance plays a role in making changes, and the word itself signified self-transformation, not self-blame.


    Insight came from a book written in 2005 by Edward J. Anton entitled “Repentance: A Cosmic Shift of Mind and Heart.” The word “repent” is examined from all angles. Guess what? Jesus never meant to sell tickets on the guilt trip.

    Greek was the language of the gospels and the word “repent” was recorded as “metanoia.”


    “Meta” means “after” and it bears the concept of “shift” or “change” (as in the word metamorphosis). “Noia” translates to “mind.”

    Metanoia is a mindset that happens after a life-changing experience. A major shift in one’s worldview is what John the Baptist called for when he spoke about Jesus and said: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near. This is he who was spoken of through the prophet Isaiah.” (Matthew 3:1-3)

    “Metanoia” is a clarion call to transformational thinking.

    Jesus appeared on the scene and performed miracles, and even more radically, proved his mastery over death through his Resurrection. It is an awakening (“metanoia”) of faith that can transform one from the inside out.

    For example, imagine someone trying to lose weight. One tries not to eat this, or to eat less of that, or to follow through with an exercise program. It’s all about behavioral modification. But a mindset reached by “metanoia” allows a person to fully embrace all that is better for her body and mind. Inner change is superior to a trained response.


    Metanoia is a transformation of heart.

    Yet the word “repent” is shaded with guilt and penance. How did that happen? In the second century, the scriptures were translated from Greek to Latin. “Paenitentiam agite” (doing penance) replaced the heart stirring sense of “metanoia.”

    Modern words like penitentiary, penitent, and pain share roots in “paenitentiam.” The Latin word focused on regret and payback instead of the awakening of hope contained in the Greek word “metanoia.”

    The mistranslation lasted through twelve centuries of controversy and debate. Yet the church resisted change due to familiar word usage and its practice of collecting paid forms of penance.

    In 1535 William Tyndale translated the Bible from Latin to English and used the word “repent.” His translation veered away from “doing penance” and refocused on the meaning “to turn,” which was more in keeping with metanoia. Accused of heresy, Tyndale was condemned to death.

    Today, modern scholars agree that the original Greek word, metanoia, signified a transformational outlook. Now Bible studies, both Catholic and Christian, emphasize the life-changing aspect of a spiritual relationship with God.


    When Jesus himself said, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near,” (Matthew 4:17), he was heralding a paradigm shift of one’s inner self, as well as making a distinction between two different realms; and that is to see beyond the material world and strive toward a spiritual kingdom.

    As Christians move toward Easter, repentance challenges us to throw off old notions of guilt and punishment. Many have credited faith for allowing them to change within themselves the seemingly impossible, and to view life through a brand new lens. Such miracles require a metanoia moment.

    Suzette Martinez Standring is the award-winning author of "The Art of Column Writing" and is syndicated with GateHouse News Service. She teaches writing workshops nationally. E-mail her at suzmar@comcast.net. Reposted with permission. Originally posted at https://www.patriotledger.com/

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