#Reimagine...How the Learning Process Has Changed Learning
Phil Miglioratti @ The REimagine.Network
...if these observations are accurate (and if you don't think they are, please respond with your perspective), then what would you do to reimagine discipleship in every group and gathering, meeting and ministry, service and setting?
- Education has become more experiential
- Instruction is enhanced through interaction
- Audio-toriums are now Audio-visual theaters
- Factory, assembly-line learning (desks in rows) give way to facilitation (roundtable discussion)
- Passive learning (sit and listen) now invites participation (audio + visual + kinetic)
- Content (information) is enhanced when contextualized into social settings
- Students (noun) are perceived as learners (verb)
- Teachers are learning leaders; participants in the learning experience
- Coaching is as critical to learning as lecturing-preaching-monologues
- How do these insights redesign the role of the teacher-leader?
- Are the implications to your methods of disciple-making?
- How would an assessment of these observations change how you approach preaching?
- What changes should be made to classes and training sessions?
- How will you refocus on being Christ-centered rather than content-centered?
- What other questions should you ask to reimagine discipleship? Evangelism? Equipping?
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“Inquiry-Based Learning is the most powerful way to lead and teach effectively. Why? Inquiry is the way God naturally created us to learn from birth. Every time we hear, see or touch, we initiate an inquiry. Current research has shown that inquiry stimulates greater interest than telling. When we tell children what to do and what to believe, they quickly lose interest and forget our wonderful words of loving wisdom. However, when we ask questions, we engage their minds and hearts and ignite a desire to learn and understand. This is called curiosity, the initiator of a growth mindset!” Jane Reed
Guest Post by Jane Reed
Has God ever tapped you on the shoulder and asked you to do something unexpected?
May I share my story?…….. The influence of 3 Bobs!
My husband, Bob, taught me how to ask questions. We worked for years on a book that focused on learning by asking questions and solving problems. Our goal is to always look for possibilities. That’s what led us to the wisdom of Bob Tiede, who sharpened our ability to teach and lead with questions. Like him, we hoped to reverse the telling and demanding trend and replace it with reciprocal and engaging conversations. Then God started saying…….” Put Me first in your work!” How in the world were we going to do that? One day, I followed Bob Beaudine‘s advice from his book, “2 Chairs.” Look to God for the answers. I asked God what He wanted us to do with our hearts and hands and voices. Then I listened. His response was to write a children’s book about asking questions and put Him first.
Wow! I turned to my computer and typed for two hours. Words just seemed to jump onto the page. Thank you, Lord, for your abundant blessings!
Why does this children’s book begin with a message for parents and teachers?
We think the loving adults in children’s lives might like a little guidance as they prepare an environment for learning in the earliest years. They might be asking:
How do we “Nurture Beautiful Hearts and Inquiring Minds?”
Could there be a better way to create a home where God is known, worshipped, and adored from birth?
Please enjoy this excerpt from “Who Is God?"
“An Invitation for Parents, Grandparents, Teachers and Reading Buddies.”
Would you like a dynamic way to introduce the children you love to God?
“Who Is God?” is built on questions! Amazingly, Inquiry-Based Learning is the most powerful way to lead and teach effectively. Why? Inquiry is the way God naturally created us to learn from birth. Every time we hear, see or touch, we initiate an inquiry. Current research has shown that inquiry stimulates greater interest than telling. When we tell children what to do and what to believe, they quickly lose interest and forget our wonderful words of loving wisdom. However, when we ask questions, we engage their minds and hearts and ignite a desire to learn and understand. This is called curiosity, the initiator of a growth mindset!
Children are born curious and begin life searching for meaning. Because children are created in God’s image, they have a need and a longing to reach out to know God long before they can speak or walk. As unique individuals, they want to develop their own relationship with the One who created them. As parents and leaders, we must remember that the condition of each child’s heart will determine the values by which he or she will live. The illustrated children’s question book follows the parent letter.
Could this be more than a happy little picture book? You bet! The questions create a sublime relationship-building tool to bring parents and children closer to God and each other. “Who Is God?” is designed with continuously deeper growth levels by teaching the child to ask questions, share conversations with the reader and eventually develop the ability to speak his own beliefs!
Would you like to take a peek at the book?
Please click this link: WhoIsGodBook.com then click Excerpts in the top bar.
Can you visualize how this book might initiate a confident, wiser, and warmer approach to learning about God?
What can you do with a question? Lead, discover, learn, improve relationships, develop perspectives.
What does a question create? A positive and powerful difference!
We’re cheering for you as you share this book and questions with your loved ones!
Note From Bob: You can order your “Who Is God?” book today by clicking HERE.
Questions are the "secret sauce" of leaning in today's culture.
Guest Post by Julie Chance
Google conducted a research study called Project Oxygen to determine what made their most effective managers great. They surveyed over 80,000 managers. In this study, they identified 10 traits that were common among their most effective managers.
The number one trait? Being a good coach, which Google defined as asking questions and listening.
Why Asking Is More Powerful Than Telling
A colleague of mine recently decided to sell his business. His first two attempts failed, so he changed his leadership approach. When employees came to him with a question, he stopped telling them what to do and instead asked them how they’d handle the situation. His employees would state the solution, which empowered them to work creatively and independently. Potential investors saw increased value in the business because the business was less dependent on my colleague, and ultimately, he sold his business.
The most effective leaders know that the best way to engage and empower employees is to ask and listen.
There Are Four Key Reasons That Asking Is More Powerful Than Telling:
1. Questions Engage the Brain
If I ask someone a question and they respond, they are thinking and engaging with me on some level. However, if I simply give a command, it doesn’t require any engagement of the brain. When leaders tell instead of ask, employees are less engaged. Over time, this leads to performance issues, learned helplessness, and lower morale.
2. Questions Encourage Initiative
When leaders use the talk and tell (also called control and command) approach, they create learned helplessness among employees. The staff feels they’re being commanded and therefore become dependent on their leader to tell them what must happen next. However, when leaders ask and listen, employees feel empowered to take initiative and find solutions.
3. Questions Lead to Greater Insights
Asking questions keeps employees engaged – but it doesn’t stop there. When employees are engaged, they are actively growing, developing, and learning. Providing team members with the opportunity to learn and grow is one of the critical aspects of the employee experience that results in greater engagement and increased productivity.
4. Asking Questions Helps People Feel Heard and Respected
When I begin working with an organization, I often hear employees complain, “We have poor communication and we need to improve it.” Yet when I ask them to define poor communication, they can’t. Leaders often tell me they’ve increased the amount of information they’re providing, yet their teams still say communication is not good enough.
I suspect that when employees complain about poor communication, they’re actually asking for more dialogue and the opportunity to voice their concerns. When leaders ask questions, they automatically open the door for dialogue, and employees feel their concerns are more readily heard.
How to Ask Effective Questions
Asking more questions is just part of the equation. How you ask is also important – otherwise your employees may find your new approach jarring and feel like they’re being interrogated.
Ease Into a New Approach By Following These Three Steps:
Step One: Be Aware
When you catch yourself using the talk and tell approach, take a moment to regroup and refocus your approach on asking and listening. It’s OK to stop mid-sentence and say something like, “Wait, let me ask you a question instead”.
Step Two: Ask Open-ended Questions
People feel interrogated when they’re asked a lot of yes or no questions. Instead, ask open-ended questions – that start with what and how – to engage in dialogue. If you’re trying to get team members to commit to a date or deadline, use who and when. Avoid asking why – it immediately puts people on the defensive.
Step Three: Empower your team
Once you’ve started asking questions, give your team the green light to act and solve problems. Just like my colleague who sold his business, you’ll find that asking questions allows employees to state solutions and find opportunities to overcome challenges on their own.
Josef Albers is credited with saying, “Good teaching is more a giving of right questions than a giving of right answers.” I believe the same approach applies to business leadership. Asking questions helps employees feel more engaged, empowered, and valued – and it will ultimately lead to increased productivity and better results.
Note from Bob: You can learn more about asking great questions in Julie’s free e-book, Leader Language. In it, Julie explains how to incorporate this and other leadership strategies into everyday communication. Download Leader Language today and experience the difference the right words can make for your team.
Leadership and team development expert Julie Chance has spent her career building high performing teams – as a participant, leader, and consultant. In 2002, Julie founded Action-Strategies-By-Design to help organizations maximize results by unlocking the potential of their people and harnessing the power of teamwork. Her extensive background encompasses positions in strategy, operations, and marketing – uniquely positioning her to support organizations in developing cultures, leaders, and teams that achieve results.