A special offer from one of our valued service providers

You have the all-important mission: "Go and make disicples," But how do you know if people are really maturing in their faith?

Disicpleship isn't just about gathering together on Sunday mornings. It means going into the world, reaching people where they are, bringing in new people, and making sure everyone has their own intentional path of learning and maturing with next steps. But first, you need a plan, paired with the right tools, so you can guide, track and encourage your people along their path of discipleship, step by step.

That's why we've put together a free resource that not only provides you with needed ministry advice on how exactly to turn Sunday service attendees into lifelong disciples, but also reveals how Realm - a powerful new approach to church management software - can help you do it.

This free guide will show you how, with Realm's help, you can:" class="gmail_msg"/> Create discipleship pathways with custom next-steps for people to take" class="gmail_msg"/> Develop the four essential “C’s” of discipleship that every plan needs" class="gmail_msg"/> Set up a software support system to ensure success" class="gmail_msg"/> Establish a plan that shows people where they are in the process" class="gmail_msg"/> Make disciples by tracking their progress as they learn to follow Christ!

By placing attendees in a clearly defined (and customizable) pathway. Realm gives you the ability to purposefully guide them towards next steps to becoming a disicple of Christ.

Check out this video to see Realm in action.



Download our free guide to learn how you can help everyone in your church take their next steps of faith, plus how Realm can help you engage, track and measure each step.

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