I don't know if this is true for others but I find that one of the barriers to me enjoying my relationship with God is that I have a tendency to project onto God characteristics or traits that really don't represent who He is but rather, they represent those of someone in my life that I've not had a good relationship with. For example, there was a time when I could not relate to God as my Father because I had an alcoholic, abusive father who gave me up when I was just 12 years old. I now know that my heavenly Father is nothing like my earthly father. The more that we truly understand who He is, the more we can enjoy our relationship with Him.
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I can totally relate to you. I too had an alcoholic father who was passive and unpredictable in mood. Throughout my life, I have struggled with how to feel like God is close to me and loves me. I know that he loves me, but it feels like He is so distant. Even knowing and understanding God's characteristics does not make me feel like I have a close relationship with Him.
I have to keep reminding myself that it's not about what I "feel" because feelings change like the wind. For me, it's about choosing to believe what God says about Himself, His love for us, etc. We may not always "feel" that our kids or our spouse love us but that does not change the fact that we have relationship with them.
Sometimes it's about noticing God's love for us in the everyday little things. I experience His love for me in some of my interactions with others, in comments made that were answers to prayer, in something that makes me laugh when I'm having a rough day, etc. "Every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father..." Some days, my vision is clouded and I have to ask Him to reveal Himself to me in a way that I would recognize.
Jenni, I think that is something we all struggle with. To me, that is one of the reasons I love reading the Bible so much as well as great authors like Packer, Piper, Sproul, Murray, etc. Andrew Murray's HOLY OF HOLIES is a wonderful read. Eugene Peterson also has some great books.
I had a Bible study based on the Names of God. Each day, you would read and meditate on a different name. It was a wonderfully eye-opening study. Praying the Psalms is also a great way to worship.
I've enjoyed AW Tozier's books on the Attributes of God and Ann Spangler's "Praying the Names of God" and "Praying the Names of Jesus." Just recently downloaded Murray's classic on Intercession.
Jerry Linnins said:
Jenni, I think that is something we all struggle with. To me, that is one of the reasons I love reading the Bible so much as well as great authors like Packer, Piper, Sproul, Murray, etc. Andrew Murray's HOLY OF HOLIES is a wonderful read. Eugene Peterson also has some great books.
I had a Bible study based on the Names of God. Each day, you would read and meditate on a different name. It was a wonderfully eye-opening study. Praying the Psalms is also a great way to worship.
Sometimes it's about noticing God's love for us in the everyday little things. I experience His love for me in some of my interactions with others, in comments made that were answers to prayer, in something that makes me laugh when I'm having a rough day, etc. "Every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father..." Some days, my vision is clouded and I have to ask Him to reveal Himself to me in a way that I would recognize.
I had a Bible study based on the Names of God. Each day, you would read and meditate on a different name. It was a wonderfully eye-opening study. Praying the Psalms is also a great way to worship.
Jerry Linnins said: