Praying For Your Neighbour

00714 - Praying For Your Neighbour

Praying for our neighbours is a simple way to show love and care. We often don't know the struggles they face—maybe they're dealing with health issues, financial worries, or family problems. Taking the time to pray for them can make a big difference, even if they don't realise it.


James 5:16 (GNT) tells us, “…. pray for one another, so that you will be healed. The prayer of a good person has a powerful effect." When we pray for our neighbours, we lift their burdens to God and foster compassion for them.


Think about the people living near you and the challenges they might be facing. Pray for their well-being, their families, and their peace of mind. Your prayers can be a source of strength and hope for them, showing them they are not alone. Through prayer, we can be instruments of God's love and care in our neighbourhoods.


  • Quote-
  • Pray for your neighbours to find faith in Jesus Christ!!


  • Prayer-
  • Lord, I pray for my neighbours to find faith in You. Amen.


  • Action Point-
  • Go the extra mile this week to help and encourage the neighbours around you.



(GNT) Good News Translation® (Today’s English Version, Second Edition) © 1992 American Bible Society. All rights reserved.


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