Make Jesus Known - Multiply the Church - Serve the city
We are experiencing a cultural moment encompassing everything from confusion, lament & protest to greater spiritual curiosity and new opportunities. This is a clarion call to prayer! Pray for those who are lost, fearful, and suffering, for deeds of mercy and justice, and for the knowledge of the glory of God to cover the earth as the waters cover the sea (Habakkuk 2:14).

 “Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness And rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:18-19

Pray that God will work in these days to help the Church break out of a paradigm ( a pattern or model) that is no longer serving us well. To bump us out of the “Come” to our event-driven ministry  and into the “Go” of initiating meaningful, conversational moments. Change is needed; change is hard; change is an opportunity we want to embrace through prayer today.

In Church Movements, we partner with the church to connect people to Jesus, multiply missional leaders, and serve the city. We have three audiences

  1. The lost - we connect those far from God to Jesus and His gospel 
  2. Every follower of Jesus - we equip and mobilize all in the church, showing how we can share the gospel and make disciples 
  3. Pastors, church leaders, and church-planters - we long to help them increase their capacity and confidence to multiply faith communities, discipleship groups, and start new churches among the 160 million unsaved in the US (in suburbs, high-rises, digital world, campuses, inner city, among immigrants and refugees).

Our contribution to these efforts is developing missional leaders from the harvest field. We partner to bring good and effective evangelism tools and strategies broadly to the Body of Christ, train missional leaders to multiply disciple-makers and churches, and encourage extraordinary prayer.
With that in mind, please pray for our staff as we pursue a very robust beginning this fall.

[Pictured below: Church Movements National Leadership Team & Advisory Board]


The Changing Face of Evangelism and the Well-Being of the City workshop focuses on motivation, theology, tools, and training for clear, winsome, conversational evangelism. 

As our culture radically changes, old forms of evangelism can create an obstacle to the gospel – for the church planter, missional leader, and marketplace Christian alike. Picture a growing movement in church after the church of Jesus’ followers engaging in spiritual conversations regularly with non-believers where we live, work, learn, and play!

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