The Great Commission is a clear and simple directive from Jesus: “Go and make disciples.” What does this mean to us today? What does it mean to you today? Is this directive only for church leaders, or is it for every believer who truly desires to make a difference?

In Changing the Landscape of Eternity: Transforming Believers into Disciples, John Thompson translates the tried-and-tested methods used by Jesus himself into practical, modern strategies for effective discipleship. He addresses such questions as:

  • How is a life transformed into a mature follower of Christ?
  • How can we use a spiritual mentoring model to make multiplying, disciples?
  • How can we create small groups that produce earnest disciples?
  • How can we, as parents, disciple our own children and ensure the church has lasting impact on their lives?

Thompson motivates all believers to change the landscape of eternity by becoming true disciples themselves, ready to go and make disciples―to become active participants in the Great Commission.

Changing the Landscape of Eternity is available in written paperback, Kendall and Audio download versions.

Purchase here >>>

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