Lead. With Prayer.
A Leadership Lab to Equip You To Buld/Reset A Prayer Culture throughout Your Ministry
*Small Groups* *Youth/Adult Ministries* *Congregations* *Organizations*
Phil Miglioratti - -
This book is fillled with content and resources you can use in a varieyt of ways over an extended period of time.
Set your course with these objectives:
- I will learn to lead my church/ministry with prayer. I will take a month (or longer) to read and heed.
- I will invest a year (or more) in teaching and leading my leadship team into new principles and practices of praying.
- I will invite our congregation/ministry, along the way, to follow our lead into a reshaped culture of prayer and praying.
Ministry Trandforming Components
- Succinct Summary/Overview (page 209)
- Your Roadmap: 3 Journeys; 14 Teaching Insights (see Table of Contents)
- Mentoring Prayers (at conclusion of each chapter)
- Praye Practicing Tools (each chapter; also online)
- Teaching Templates (various lists in each chapter)
- Life-Changing Stroeis (embeded into each chapter)
- Habits-Techniques-Practices
Strategy-Driven Steps
- Read
- Slowly ponder, listening for the Holy Spirit
- Underline paradigm-shifting insights and ministry-transforming ideas
- Plead
- Ask Seek Knock for guidance as you read
- Invite intercessors to pray for you as you read toward a personal reset
- ...that will lead to reenvisioning prayer and praying throghout you ministry
- Heed
- Begin to practice new habits, even in group settings
- Set new routines and invite others to join you
- Seed
- Share successes and struggles about your jouney
- Post quotes (social sites, church bulletin, newsletters)
- Add your responses; successes and struggles
- Leave readers with big questions (“What if we ____”)
- Use these free "Lead With Prayer" tools>>>
- ...then utlize them
- Weed
- Involve appropriate leaders to help reassess
- Identify barriers: unattended meetings, unengaging formats, powerless traditions
- "How can we eliminate _______?"
- Feed
- Preach a series
- Teach a seminar
- Guide a small group
- Breed
- Coach leadership
- Purchase a book for each committed leader
- Meet for discussion, accountablity
- Identify new leaders