

This quote from Trevin Wax is an accurate assessment of our current partisan-pandemic.

And, it applies, not only to the parry you oppose, but the party you defend without any critical analysis of its blind spots and weaknesses.



"The decline of cultural Christianity will likely result in more people satisfying their religious impulse elsewhere. Entertainment could be one avenue. Politics is more likely." 



Even worse, the marriage of entertainment and politics, with partisanship on the rise, will lead people to

  1. hold their political views with a fervor generally reserved for religious conviction,
  2. treat people with different political views as “evil” or “heretics” who deserve to be hounded out of the public square and “burned” at the social media stake, and
  3. find their deepest sense of belonging in whatever group shares their “identity,” and thus fall prey to an identity politics that is ruthless in its obsession with and quest for power."  Trevin Wax


#ReimagineCHRISTIANITY...to become the Church centered upon Christ not wandering to the left or comforted by the right.



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  • I fear we have placed political perspectives so close to biblical teachings that many can no longer tell the difference.

  • WIth thanks to a Reimagne.Network member -

    The Church that has no ambition to rule the world is the Church that St. John says will conquer the world, just like its King — not by spilling the blood of its enemies, but by spilling its own, as a witness to its enemies, that its enemies might be saved. Patient in suffering, boundless in charity and humble of heart, the Church that doesn’t expect the world to serve its interests but girds itself with an apron and serves — that’s the Church that represents Christ to the world. The Church that dethrones itself, Christians who dethrone themselves — they alone can testify that Christ alone is King.
    Dethroned Church
    By Rev. Steve Schlossberg
    Dethroned Church - Issuu
    Quotes from author Jon Ward:
    12299316283?profile=RESIZE_400xHe left his White evangelical bubble. Here’s what he says it would take for others to do the same​.
    Quotes from author Jon Ward:
    "There’s a lot of really great people in evangelical churches, all over the country and in the world. Just fantastic individuals and families. But there’s a whole culture of political beliefs and cultural practices that have been added on to the faith that I was indoctrinated in. It’s taken me decades to unpack all the assumptions that were layered on to my worldview by these teachings.​"
    “But it helped me understand how good people could stand by and make excuses for bad people in power,” he wrote. “They couldn’t not see past their own resentments and bias, even when people they loved were hurting or scared.”
    "When you categorize everybody as an extremist just because they hold these views, I think it pushes more evangelicals towards the bad actors who are trying to bring people into an anti-democratic movement."

    Are you still an evangelical, or do you call yourself something else?

    "I don’t think I would use that label. I think I would just call myself a Christian."

    Original and full article>>>

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