If you're like most Christians who hear about starting a group for seekers, we know what you’re thinking:
  • It sounds intADKq_NaJysXiFuldmTSEWVh-vipdmhCs8l9n8zKtiXWCbHLZKTUxNZXjvxTDfaLhAx2TNJlIHaAwfL7Gh_1ytbrsTmh_qX7qd1g3q5LAX2adtKyMBls0m2X1pscw8so_FkRlUuWvgnddMw=s0-d-e1-ft#eresting, but I don’t know anyone to invite.
  • If I did start a group for seekers, what if I can't answer their questions?
  • I could never do this by myself!
  • Besides, I’m afraid that inviting the people I know to a group like this would damage our friendship.



We get it. We felt the same way before getting our groups off the ground.And that's why we have Q Place Coaching!In Q PlaceCoaching, you'll see that this approach is a relational, non-pushy way to share your faith. We'll help you start relating with acquaintances in ways that naturally lead to inviting them into your group.We'll show you how to launch your group with guidelines that help everyone feel welcome—even if they aren't yet convinced the Bible is true.
And guess what?
It's better if you don'tanswer their questions! We'll show you how to facilitate discussions so group members discover honest answers for themselves as you all read and discuss Scripture together.We agree that you should not do this alone. Part of Q Place Coaching is helping you identify at least one other Christian to start a group with you.Most people who get a taste of Q Place discussions love them. (Christians, seekers, and skeptics alike!) God's Spirit is at work in everyone as they are reading His Word so the pressure is off you! Your job is to pray, follow the group guidelines, and follow God's leading as He works in your friends' lives.
In Q Place Coaching, we'll give you tips for inviting people to “come once and check it out,” with plenty of practice and prayer to support you. Even if your friends say, “No thanks,” our coaching will help you continue your friendship—not damage it. (And we have also seen a “No” change to “OK, I'll try it now,” and then to, “I am so grateful for this group!”)The bottom line is that we can say from experience, starting a group for seekers is worth it!Q Place Coaching will equip you, and even after the seven sessions, our coaches will continue to be available for ongoing prayer and support.Fall coaching starts next week! Register today to reserve your seat! (Tomorrow is the deadline for Monday's group.)Jan and the Q Place Team
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Q Place National Field Leader

P.S. Get details and the Q Place Coaching content overview, and share with another Christian who could start a group with you! (You both get a discount when you register together.)


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