Reviewer: Jill Potts Jones is wife and mom to two daughters, ages 20 and 6. She writes book reviews for numerous Christian publishers and authors.
Title: 30 Days to A More Dynamic Prayer Life
Author: John Franklin
Publisher: NavPress, 2012
About the Book:
Just like the title suggests, the author guides readers through a 30 day study on developing a deeper relationship with God. The 30 training exercises are organized into seven themes with each exercise as a pattern for prayer. Through a daily prayer time, God is teaching you about His character and His attributes and is training you for His kingdom.
By following the guide in Franklin’s book, you will be challenged and equipped to connect with God in a powerful way and will be able to lead and teach others to pray.
Reviewer’s Notes:
There’s no better way to use your time than improving your prayer life. If you could make your prayer life better, wouldn’t you try? The best thing about Franklin’s book is once you complete the book, you have a resource that can be used over and over again to continue building on your relationship with God.
Quotes from the Book:
“Likewise, God must train you before He can give you significant kingdom responsibility. That means your prayer life will include much listening and moving out of your comfort zone (not merely asking and receiving).”
“Becoming God-oriented usually begins with renewing your mind and becomes completed when His truth sinks down into your heart.”
“When we see God’ activity in others, we should pray about how we are to respond.”
Product Recommendation:
This product is suited for anyone seeking to improve his/her prayer life. It seems best suited for personal, private reflection as opposed to small group study although there is a section in the “How to Use this Book” which gives a guideline for small groups.
I hope sometime to find time to go through this program. It seems it would be very beneficial. Thank you for letting us know the details and who can best utilize this approach.