Through the years, I have found and continue to find solace in coming to know and knowing my Creator in His letter(s) to me, to you, to us. 

I have been of the mind, this part of my relationship with Him has been and was His purpose to capture me. 
It was His Word that launched me into this community (of Belivers) and it took me a while to take the first step to "follow Him" during the course of reading His message. The interesting thing I've noticed through these years is how difficult I made it, to take that first step, but, how very easy it was to take that step, after all. 


I've noticed my progress (following) was and is found in what I glean(ed) from His Word and how much I enjoy hearing Him when He speaks to me in His Word(s). Not that I think the other aspects (prayer, worship, etc.) of my relationship with Him are less, or not as important, but, my first step of progress in my relationship with Him was my reading His Word(s), and to this day is as strong if not more so.

When you look upon the way the Lord "captured" you, was the first step in your relationship with the Lord the one that has continued your progress as His Disciple? 

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  • I love this post and seeing your heart. This morning in worship, we'll be singing "When I Think About the Lord". Seems appropriate to add those this morning:

    when i think about the Lord
    how He saved me, how He raised me
    how He filled me with the Holy Ghost
    how He healed me to the uttermost
    when i think about the Lord
    how he picked me up
    turned me around
    how He set my feet
    on solid ground

    it makes me want to shout
    hallelujah! thank you, Jesus!
    Lord, you're worthy
    of all the glory, and all the honor
    and all the praise!
    Hallelujah! thank you, Jesus!
    Lord, you're worthy
    of all the glory, and all the honor
    and all the praise!

    (ephesians 2:4-7, 2 corinthians 5:17)

    Thanks for sharing your heart.

    Margie Williamson
  • When you look upon the way the Lord "captured" you, was the first step in your relationship with the Lord the one that has continued your progress as His Disciple?

    Thinking back on when I was "captured" by my Lord and how it has continued, if at all, my progress is an interesting question. I was also captured through His Word. I was captivated by this love letter written to me. I read the Bible from cover to cover five times in a little over two years. I could not put it down. I feel in love with the Word before I fell in love with the Author. It was when my mind and heart connected the fact that there is a loving God who was pursuing me that I finally gave in to the call.

    Do I still find it hard to put down His Word? Yes! It is a passion i have never lost and that passion drives me forward in discipleship. But it is the love for the Author that keeps the fire burning and the desire hot "to equip the saints" and to "make disciples" and "teaching them to observe all things I commanded you."

    I need to keep perspective, always recognizing that it is the Author who gives life to His wonderful Word and to serve Him only. The first real step is falling in love with Him and as long as that "first love" remains I will remain forever "captured" by His love.
  • Taught a Bible study yesterday on Acts 1 and was reminded again the definition of being baptized by the Holy Spirit––the word "baptized" can be understood as immersed, submerged, or overwhelmed. I love the last one and the images that brings to mind about being overwhelmed as we're captured by the Lord. The beginning point . . . .
  • On the good days, I am intensely aware that He is STILL "capturing" me. Other times, I fear I have let Him go. But, always I am assured that NOTHING can separate us from Him.

    My capturing event was in a prayer to God for help in a situation I had made a mess of and that had some pretty nasty consequences. I got such a sense of being enfolded into His loving arms that I have never doubted He has me since. And, it is still in moments of prayer, on my knees, in quiet times that I sense His presence so clearly. That, I He has placed such a hunger for His Word that I cannot get enough. Thank goodness that a former employer once paid for me to take the Evelyn Wood speed reading course! Really! I devour books and the course taught me not only how to read fast but to read for comprehension and retention (you take "tests" after every speed reading drill). More and more, I am drawn to the Old Testament and "survey" books that unfold the big picture, narrative story of God's grace and mercy. Again, in good days, I really get what the scriptures talk about when they say, "The fear (respect/awe) of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." Read the New Testament gospels and Acts and count the number of times the words amazed, astonished are used. I find myself being amazed at Jesus and His love.

  • Jerry Linnins said:
    On the good days, I am intensely aware that He is STILL "capturing" me. Other times, I fear I have let Him go. But, always I am assured that NOTHING can separate us from Him.

    My capturing event was in a prayer to God for help in a situation I had made a mess of and that had some pretty nasty consequences. I got such a sense of being enfolded into His loving arms that I have never doubted He has me since. And, it is still in moments of prayer, on my knees, in quiet times that I sense His presence so clearly. That, I He has placed such a hunger for His Word that I cannot get enough. Thank goodness that a former employer once paid for me to take the Evelyn Wood speed reading course! Really! I devour books and the course taught me not only how to read fast but to read for comprehension and retention (you take "tests" after every speed reading drill). More and more, I am drawn to the Old Testament and "survey" books that unfold the big picture, narrative story of God's grace and mercy. Again, in good days, I really get what the scriptures talk about when they say, "The fear (respect/awe) of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." Read the New Testament gospels and Acts and count the number of times the words amazed, astonished are used. I find myself being amazed at Jesus and His love.

  • Hi it is so refreshing to know that people are still in awe of God's goodness. I would love to be able to read the word as fast as you do so I am going to look into the speed reading program you mentioned. God is an awesome God and I too love and want to be even closer drawn to him so keep up the good works and keep us in your prayers.
    God Bless you you

    Rhona L'Stone said:

    Jerry Linnins said:
    On the good days, I am intensely aware that He is STILL "capturing" me. Other times, I fear I have let Him go. But, always I am assured that NOTHING can separate us from Him.

    My capturing event was in a prayer to God for help in a situation I had made a mess of and that had some pretty nasty consequences. I got such a sense of being enfolded into His loving arms that I have never doubted He has me since. And, it is still in moments of prayer, on my knees, in quiet times that I sense His presence so clearly. That, I He has placed such a hunger for His Word that I cannot get enough. Thank goodness that a former employer once paid for me to take the Evelyn Wood speed reading course! Really! I devour books and the course taught me not only how to read fast but to read for comprehension and retention (you take "tests" after every speed reading drill). More and more, I am drawn to the Old Testament and "survey" books that unfold the big picture, narrative story of God's grace and mercy. Again, in good days, I really get what the scriptures talk about when they say, "The fear (respect/awe) of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." Read the New Testament gospels and Acts and count the number of times the words amazed, astonished are used. I find myself being amazed at Jesus and His love.
  • My coming to know the Lord was the working of His grace.  I see now that I had nothing to do with it except cooperate with His grace.

    I was a traditional Christian, not too religious, but trying to keep morally straight. My problem was that I was using my compliance with my religious traditions as a fig leaf to cover my spiritual failings - failings that I could not face up to in the natural.

    I was all caught up in my career and the busy-ness of this world - I was spiritually empty but I didn't realize what was missing - I was missing His Love - I was missing knowing Him!  So when, through the circumstances of my life, He broke through the hardness of my heart I was totally overwhelmed by His Presence as His Love enveloped me. So much so that I can hardly describe what happened.

    Because I was a  rather shy person, I wrote a poem to describe my experience -- I present that poem below so that in this manner I may share my experience with you...


    As  One  From a Dream Awakens

    As one from a dream awakens,

    So the day I came to the light of life -

    As the whirlwind of the Spirit entered,

    The door to my soul opened wide.

    It broke through the shell of self erected

    To  defend the self against the embrace of Love,

    …. That Eternal Love for which my soul was made.


    Oh ! I built my defenses well!

    In my narcissist enclave all was to justify the Self.

    All I said and did was well under the control

    Of reason and science and intellectual disdain,

    Of a measured theology and attitude profane,

           But sorely wanting of the very thing from which I fled,

    …. That Eternal Love for which my soul was made.


    But then as if from nowhere ,  I heard  …

    A word that pierced and shook me to my very depths

    A word that revealed the sham that I was living

    A word that deflated my ego and my pride

    It told me that nothing in me was worthy

          But that He who Loves me, died... that I might have

    …. That Eternal Love for which my soul was made.


    As into my heart His Word descended,

    I was overcome by the intensity of His Love.

    As His Love called out to me and sought me,

    Willingly, I ceded self to its manifold embrace,

    Basking in the warmth of His Compassion, the Mercy of His Grace,

    Asking only that He renew and restore me, to receive more of

    …. That Eternal Love for which my soul was made.


                                                                            Jorge (George) Madrid Sr.

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