Mini-Interview with a prayer champion pastor who made this statement:
“Up till this last 3 years I have treated the Bible as a “cafeteria” and chose what I wanted and left what I did not."
My questions and his replies...
- How did God work in you so that you were prepared for this revelation?
God motivated me more to buckle down to a Bible Study program and do some soul searching as to “Why should god love me?”.
- What was the "Aha!" moment of the Holy Spirit’s enlightenment?
There really wasn’t a specific moment.
- How has your praying changed?
I don’t think my praying has changed as much as my contemplating on God and what He would have me do.
- How would this insight change preaching? Teaching? Counseling?
Anytime we raise our level of relationship with God our ministries would change.
- Why is the "cafeteria" approach so prevalent among us pastors/leaders?
We have “rev” before our name and feel that is our credentials so why spend extra time in learning about God and examining our own standing with
Him. We get an idea for a sermon, search that scripture, look up the Greek words to use, and preach it. We don’t spend the needed time to make sure we are giving the whole picture.