A Prayer to ReimagineFutureChurch
Phil Miglioratti
Please join me and other future-focused “reimagineers” in a bold prayer—
We praise, glorify and yield to you as the Chief Shepherd of the global Church.
We believe and are motivated by your promise: “I will build my Church; the power of death will not be able to defeat it.”
With increasing awareness and concern of our rapidly and radically changing society, we express with faith and hope this prayer:
◦ We ask you to cast a vision for the future church you are already building
◦ Into men and women, young and old, who lead by loving and serving
◦ In every community, county, country
◦ Set them (and us) on a mission to disrupt the “static” quo that inhibits and seven ignores the Spirit’s leading toward a revived future
{Static: “showing little change; characterized by a lack of movement, animation (enlivened; energized; vigor-vitality, or progression”}
◦ And use them (and us) to call the Church to:
◦ Pray with a listening ear
◦ Speak truth with love
◦ Act with humble compassion
◦ Partner with others in Christ
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