I'm up an an unearthly hour starting to get ready to leave at 3am - yes, 3am to go on holiday.... We have to drive to Bristol and it's one of those evenings that because you know you have to get up, you can't properly get to sleep. I guess I'll be nodding off sometime this afternoon, oh joy.
Anyway, it was on mind mind to write to say have you had a look at this edition of Prayer Magazine ?
In this edition we take a good look at the Media, both secular and Christian and how to pray for them effectively. We document the stories of the rise of Revelation TV and the incredible Testimony of TBN coming to setup a state of the art studio in London.
It's one of the most important issues we've produced as you only have to go back 20 years and there was nothing like the media opportunity the Church has today, there has been such a breakthrough there.
We still have stock left and want to get this into the hands of as many people as possible, so we are making the remaining stock free to Churches to give away - you just pay the P&P to get them to you.
If you would like to order Click Here you can order multiples of 10 if you wanted to give everyone in your church a copy.
Also, some folk have said the link to my first attempt at video blogged 'vlogging' - sounds like flogging with a 'v', didn't work, so try www.facebook.com/carlbrettle or click the image below.
I am quite amazed, that it's had almost 1,000 views. Rebekah did ask whether 900 of them was me playing me to myself - it wasn't honest !!
Every Blessing
Carl Brettle
Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, Vimeo or www.carlbrettle.com |