corruption (1)

PTAP: Pray through the Window - Qatar

During the month of October, thousands of people around the world are joining in and praying through the countries of the 10/40 Window. Today is prayer on behalf of Qatar. PTAP is delighted to join in these prayers, especially for the seven countries on the Arabian Peninsula.

Praise Report

Praise God that the Church in Qatar is able to meet openly in Christian Compounds. This is not true for Qatari people but for expatriates living in the country (The Bible, Psalms 8:1).

Prayer Request
As the World Cup of Soccer [FIFA] comes to Qatar, corruption and human right abuse make up the news. Pray that Qatar will seek justice for the workers helping to build up their country (The Bible, Proverbs 21:15).

Pray that Qatar will not support the work of Islamic terrorists (The Bible, 1 Thessalonians 5:22).

Call to Salvation
There are very few Qatari that call on the name of the Lord Jesus for salvation, pray that more will see their need for a Savior and bow their knee to the Lord Jesus (The Bible, Philippians 2:9-11).


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