Faith (73)

A Sacred Trust


My father used to have a “personal proverb” he lived by, a saying I heard him repeat many times when I was young. He said: “Keep your expectations low. Don’t trust anybody, and you’ll never be disappointed.” 

To my little ears, this seemed like a pretty good formula for success; after all, who has not been betrayed or disappointed at some point in their life? His proverb, while it reeked of self-protection, seemed a sure guarantee for a pain-free life.

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Proverbs 14:34 reads,

"Righteousness exalts a nation,

but sin is a disgrace to any people."

I recently read a speech by Winston Churchill entitled The Defense of Freedom and Peace. It was subtitled, The Lights are Going Out. The great orator proclaimed to Americans who had not yet entered the war that it is the conflict of spiritual and moral ideas which gives free countries their strength. Especially in the light of history resistance against the domination of the Nazis should not be seen in any other way. By some estimates they put as many as 20 million people to death simply because of their race, or their weaknesses, or unwillingness to support the evil cause.

Even 70 and 80 years later we can feel good about our sacrifices to defeat that evil regime. But where are we in the world today? Where are we as a nation? Since 1973 Americans have brutally extinguished nearly 60 million innocent lives simply because we found them inconvenient.

This was not done by our government. We do not have S.S. troops pounding at our doors in the middle of the night. We did this ourselves to those who by any reckoning were the most innocent among us. Most Americans now admit that abortion is wrong. It is interesting to me that many people say they believe abortion is wrong to justify not doing anything about it. We believe abortion is wrong, so we must be free from responsibility before God, or history for that matter.  

But what can we do? I am sympathetic with those who see the crisis as overwhelming. But nothing is impossible with God. Let me suggest three essential approaches to the problem.

First come to this crisis with humility and compassion. We all share in the cultural, intellectual and moral corruption that has swallowed up our nation. This is not simply the problem of churches that did not stand against abortion. This is not simply the fault of another political party or someone else. Most of us would agree that German people who ignored the disappearance of their Jewish neighbors or were afraid to speak up no matter what it cost them, shared in the guilt.

And we who are also guilty need to seek ways of ministering to girls faced with unwanted pregnancy, and unplanned and unwanted children. Do we have means to intervene in the lives of young people who realize they have sacrificed their vision of the future on the altar of sexual freedom?

Next, address the problem with wisdom and intelligence. If we simply demonize political opponents or shout at them in protest, rather than listening to their arguments and seeking to persuade people, we will make little headway in the issue.

Finally, we must face this problem in prayer and worship. We will not turn this evil around without the mighty hand of God. We need to see this as a matter of spiritual war, crying out to God about every issue small and great. We have no greater weapon in spiritual warfare than worship that connects us with God Himself.

The culture of death is a daunting reality. But it is no greater than slavery that the enemy foisted on our fathers a few generations back. Against all social, economic, and political odds Great Britain outlawed the vile trade on her far flung shores. And eventually Americans were willing to plunge ourselves into a horrible civil war.

If your faith is not built on a powerful relationship with Almighty God you will not be able to pay whatever price is demanded of us to defeat this horrible plague. 


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Explosive Faith

By Jennifer Kennedy Dean

From The One Year Praying the Promises of God

Fear flees when faith is activated. No matter how intimidating your circumstances appear, you don’t have to succumb to fear. You can exercise explosive faith.


The LORD said to Joshua, “I have given you Jericho, its king, and all its strong warriors.” Joshua 6: 2


As God was speaking these words, the Israelites were standing outside the fortified city of Jericho. It was surrounded by two parallel walls about fifteen feet apart. Jericho was no illusion. There it stood— fortressed, barricaded, impenetrable. To the Israelites’ physical sight, taking Jericho was difficult, if not hopeless. Cities such as Jericho had convinced ten of the twelve spies sent to scout out the land forty years earlier that Israel could not conquer it (see Numbers 13: 27-28). Fear activated by the sight of such an intimidating obstacle had already stolen forty years as well as an entire generation of people. Now, everything their eyes could see told them that this was still a lost cause.


But when God spoke to Joshua and called him to battle, he said, “I have given you Jericho” (emphasis added). The verb tense indicated that it was already a done deal. Finished work. Just waiting for the people’s obedience to bring that completed promise into their experience.


The writer of Hebrews tells the story in a few well-chosen words: “It was by faith that the people of Israel marched around Jericho for seven days, and the walls came crashing down” (Hebrews 11: 30). When the people obeyed the Lord’s command and marched around Jericho for seven days, the walls fell.


When the promise of God comes into contact with our faith-fueled obedience, an explosion of power results. Walls fall. Obstacles disappear. Enemies flee.   


You may be looking at a Jericho today. Maybe something in your life looks too big for you. Your enemy might be pointing out all the reasons why your obstacle will win the day. If so, remember this: when God calls you to battle, He has already won the victory. The only way your Jericho will stand is if you believe your limited perceptions instead of God’s Word and slink away, missing the opportunity to see God’s power in action.   



What obstacles in your life look too big for you right now? What changes in your perception if you redefine your circumstances by what your heart knows instead of what your eyes see?


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Conversations that Matter

Most of the seats in Starbucks were empty when two team members walked into the family section area. The sexes are separated in this region and so you have sections where the men sit and another disconnected area for families and ladies. A team member approached a lady and asked if she was willing to help answer some questions from a questionnaire related to the topic of honor in this Culture. Other ladies joined in and started an engaged conversation with the team members (a husband and wife.) The topics included prayer, the Trinity, and where they are in their spiritual journeys. This example shows again that the people of this land are curious about our faith.
Will you pray for A & A and the sisters who have now heard parts of the gospel? Pray God will continue to place truth in front of them over and over again.
Please pray for an ongoing relationship with a family of the land. Friendship has been formed and many conversations of faith have been had. The wife has taken home a Bible to read. Please pray that she will read it and as she does the Truth will resonate with her heart. Please pray the whole family will come to faith in Christ.
For "everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved. But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the Scriptures say, 'How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!' " (Romans 10:14-15)
Please pray the body of Christ will continue to rise up and share the good news in this area of the world. Pray that many friendships with people of the land will be formed and fostered. Pray for the connections with people of peace.
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PTAP: New Saints & Hajj 2016

Prayer Requests & Hajj 2016 -  Sept 7, 2016

Praise God for those in the Arabian Peninsula who walked in darkness but now believe in the Savior. Pray that the witness of their changed lives will be strong as they live day to day among people who don't agree with their beliefs. Pray that others will be drawn to them, desiring change also. Pray for many to believe and grow in faith.
The leader of a local mosque made an unexpected visit to the home of a Christian worker. The Christian was surprised and a little frightened about the possible purpose of his visit, but was relieved when he partook of refreshments served to him. In Muslim culture, this is a sign indicating good will. After traditional greetings and conversation, the Muslim leader said, "Well, you know why I have come to visit you." The Christian respectfully replied, "No, sir, I actually do not know why you have come to visit."  "I have come because if I were to die right now I know I would go to Hell." Amazed, the Christian shared the Gospel with him beginning with the Fall of Man and the Promise of the Seed of the Woman in the Garden of Eden-- the very first prophecy of Christ (Genesis 3). By the end of the visit, the Muslim leader left with a copy of the Jesus Film, the dramatized audio Bible, and Arabic worship music. He returned every few weeks with questions and at last put his faith in Christ as Lord and Savior. Please pray for him as he is facing enormous spiritual warfare.
Some years ago a very skinny and dirty little boy came to the home of a Christian family to beg. They gave him some money, but when he returned another day, the wife said she would not give money but would make him food to eat while he played in the yard. Soon, the boy was bringing other apparent orphans with him. The wife invited them in to have sandwiches and tea with a movie, and showed them the Jesus film. This little boy is now a teenager, and still comes to the Christian family's home seeking refuge from the cruelty of the world he lives in. Because he has no passport, he cannot legally get work, but it is also illegal to beg. The Christian family believes God brought him to them for a reason. Please pray for this young man to come to know Christ, and that God will open the doors and lead him into the plans for which the LORD created him.

Join in praise and rejoicing that "Lydia" (one for whom many petitions have been made) has surrendered her heart to the Lordship of Jesus Christ! Please pray that she will let go of the former things that she has believed and walk in His Light and Truth. Pray also for her as she is the lone believer in her family, that she will stand strong and be given wisdom to know how to be a light in her community.
Give praise for a young man who, after careful consideration, has professed faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. His commitment is firm, having expressed that he waited until he was sure he would never turn back. Rejoice that he has already begun to share his faith, and pray he will grow in wisdom and knowledge. He is the only believer in his family, for whom he carries much responsibility. Pray that the changes that are taking place within him will draw his family and friends to saving faith as well.
Hajj Prayer 2016

PTAP's Hajj Prayer 2016 is a call for Christians to pray for millions of Muslims as they go to Mecca, Saudi Arabia to perform the Hajj Pilgrimage (Sept 9-11 [14*], 2016) as they do every year. They seek forgiveness of their sins through this pilgrimage but we know that it is only through Christ that sins are forgiven.  Let's pray that Muslims would come to know the Lord Jesus and true forgiveness of their sins.
* Because of the millions now going on this Hajj, some will complete the Hajj in three days, others will take longer.

All the Hajj 2016 information can be found at the PTAP website: 
A video encouraging prayer for Muslims during Hajj:
US formatted Prayer guide for Hajj:
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In Battle with Black Magic

Black magic is a reality on the Arabian Peninsula.  Although orthodox Islam forbids magic of any kind, local women still resort to it in order to gain power and influence in societies where they have little power.  Those who practice magic seek different things such as getting pregnant, harming a woman whom she is jealous of, and seeking favor for their children.  Currently, in one city which is in the heartland of black magic in this Arabian Peninsula country, there is a local woman who has been casting curses on believers.  She goes to witchdoctors and has used amulets to cast these curses most likely due to the witchdoctor's advice.  In short, she has caused work-related and relational chaos for these believers.  Most recently, she has been inviting these believers to several different parties to "celebrate" them.  However, they suspect that she is doing something evil to the food and wanting them to eat it.  Some of them got sick from her food before and it seems like she is using food as an "innocent" weapon against them.

Pray that these believers would stand firm, taking up the shield of faith with which they can extinguish the flaming darts of the evil one (Eph 6:16).  Pray that the Son of God would come and destroy the works of the devil in this woman as He promised (1 John 3:8).  Pray for the believers, that no harm would come to them and that they would be a strong witness for Jesus Christ.  Pray that God would have mercy on her soul, deliver her from all evil, and give her true faith in Jesus Christ alone.  May the truth of Christ set her free! (John 8:32)

This week one of our friends was approached with a request for a Bible. As this book is forbidden in the country but readily available for download, the person was guided on how to get a Bible App. She read large portions of the NT that very night and had all kinds of questions! She was able to discuss in her heart language with a second friend who spoke better Arabic.  "Whatsapp" turns out to be a great resource for guiding her through her questions in the context of relationship.  Please stand with us in prayer that this woman will recognize the authority of the Bible and respond to His call of love to follow Him even if this would mean being persecuted.
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M, is waiting in the line at Starbucks while his sister and mother shop, and he allows a new friend to treat him for his cup of tea.  He says with a smile that now that the university has started its summer break, he is used as the permanent driver for the ladies in his house. During the conversation he speaks of a wish for a chance to continue studies in another country.  "More time for me, and less demands to the tasks/duties that are upon a young man, who is part of a large family with lots of family obligations".  

As the conversations turns to his ideas about sin, and he is surprised to hear some stories of the Bible. He learns that some of his prophetic heroes are  involved in sinful behaviors. He makes a striking comment, "Am I perhaps being taught the wrong information?" The normal response would have been to reject a different opinion, but he seemed to be willing to consider others.  Since that conversation, via what's app he has received some of those biblical stories so he can read them for himself.   Trusting that this was an encounter arranged by God, please pray for M that he will respond to God's call to follow Him.

Pray for lady who is "liked minded" and found her husband reading the Book. He doesn't know that his wife believes and says he is not a follower. Pray that the Lord will reveal Himself to this man as he reads the Scriptures. Pray that he will believe and that this couple will grow together in faith.

Life in camps for displaced people and refugees can be very difficult as people deal with high temperatures in the summer, poor health and against corruption. Pray for the safety in all three. Pray that God would bring believers to minister to the people and that a "person of peace" will emerge.

Pray for young ladies who have gone through trauma during the war and are sharing their stories with those who love the Savior. Pray that as they listen to Truth from the Word, they will hear what the Father wants to share with them and be healed.

Pray for the new believers that they will know the hope God gives and be strengthened by the Holy Spirit. Pray that they will hunger for God's Word, desire to grow and share the Good News with others.

Pray for believers who are persecuted by family and others, that they will know the love of God more deeply.  Pray that God would surround them with a new family of believers who will love them and support them emotionally as well as physically.

Pray for those in Saudi Arabia and around the world, to know that true security in face of terrors of suicide bombing lies in knowing the One who promises true eternal life.
"Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.  I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.... his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.  You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. - Psalm 91:1-6
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Matthew 21:20-22

“When the disciples saw it they marveled, saying, ‘How did the fig tree wither at once?’ And Jesus answered them, ‘Truly I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what has been done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, 'Be taken up and thrown into the sea,' it will happen. And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.’”


Frankly, powerful statements that Jesus made like this about faith unsettle me. Does this promise mean if I believe hard enough, God will enable me to rob our local bank and cause the bank guard to wither when he tries to stop me? Does it mean I can have a pink Cadillac, if I drum up enough faith, saying, “I believe! I believe! I believe!”?

Such declarations tend to make us uncomfortable because we do not understand what faith is or how to acquire it.

Biblical faith responds to God. It rests on what God’s word says and on what God speaks to our hearts. Romans 10:17 says,

“Faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.”

Paul, of course, is referring primarily to hearing the gospel. But Jesus clearly told us no one could come to Him without the Father drawing. (John 6:44) This is not simply hearing the gospel from another person or reading it in the Bible. We must hear God speaking to us through the Bible or another person. As we respond to the gospel, we enter a relationship of faith by which we continue to hear God speak and trust in Him.

In Romans 12:3 Paul writes,

“For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned.”

Paul goes on to list different spiritual gifts that God calls us to trust him for. God may or may not call you to turn the Potomac River to blood or part the Mediterranean Sea for refugees to walk through on dry land. But if you grow in hearing God's voice, you will be amazed at what He will do through your faith in Him.

I need to say, I have trouble believing God for what He desires to do in and through my life. I want to cry out with the man in Mark 9, “I believe; help my unbelief!” I think that man, in his desperation, grasped the key to growing faith. He asked Jesus. Jesus develops our faith as we seek Him and spend more and more time listening to His voice.

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But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, I you of little faith?  

Matthew 6:30

Prayer is the first expression of faith. If you believe in God, you will pray. Praying faith is propositional. We trust what Scripture tells us about God. By faith we risk ourselves in the confidence that God is able to meet our needs. We believe that the One who made us knows what we need before we ask Him. We believe that He who feeds the sparrows and clothes the lily will provide what we need.

But praying faith is also personal. We not only believe that Almighty God can meet our needs, we trust in His love for us. We do not just trust God to give us what we want. We can know that God loves us even when He withholds what we want or think we need. By faith we throw ourselves into God's embrace. I remember being terrified up on a roof as a child. I yelled and screamed. My father came and stretched his arms up to me. "Jump, David." Closing my eyes and gritting my teeth, I jumped into my father's arms.  

Praying faith is exclusive. We often hear faith touted as if it were a good in itself. But I would not have survived if I put my faith in the sidewalk to catch me. In prayer we decide to put faith in God rather than in our doubts or fears, rather than our wants and thoughts, rather than the goals and promises of the world around us.


I need to write on faith again next week. I want to key on the words, "their faith" in Matthew 9:2.

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The Brink of Your Miracle

Years ago my car engine burned up because the oil had leaked out. I’m sure the leakage had been going on for a while, but the destruction to my engine happened quite rapidly, mere moments after I saw the warning light on my dashboard.

Lately I’ve been reflecting on my need for “oil” of another kind—the oil of the Holy Spirit. And I’ve also been challenged about the necessity of regularly checking the warning lights on my spiritual dashboard.

Jesus told an intriguing story about this in Matthew 25. In the opening scene, 10 young women are waiting for the bridegroom to arrive. Jesus said five of them were foolish, and five were wise, yet there was only one difference: The wise ones knew they needed extra oil for their lamp.

Unfortunately for the foolish women in this story, “the bridegroom was a long time in coming” (v. 5). Of course, this parable is a rebuke to those who expect Jesus to return so imminently that they needn’t prepare for the long haul, but I believe there’s another message as well: At times our faith, love, endurance, and faithfulness will be tested by our need to WAIT for our Lord to come into our circumstances with a breakthrough of some kind.

In the story Jesus told, as in our lives today, the bridegroom typically comes “at midnight” (v. 6), right when the night seems darkest and our hope is running out. However, midnight represents a tipping point in many ways, when nighttime reaches its zenith and inevitably begins to turn to day.

Recently I’ve found myself humming an old gospel song that says, “Don’t give up on the brink of a miracle.” When midnight is approaching and you still haven’t seen the Bridegroom’s intervention, it sure is easy to lose heart and give up.

Paul writes about this in Galatians 6:9-10:

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.

So what are the lessons for us today?

First, we must recognize that the Christian life is a marathon, not a sprint. Because of that, we need to continually check the gauges on our spiritual dashboard, ensuring that we have enough “oil” for the long haul.

Second, instead of falling asleep, as the women in Jesus’ story did, we should live in great expectancy that our Bridegroom may soon come and break through with a miracle in our circumstances. Even though we may have been waiting for quite a while to have some of our prayers answered, the tipping point could be closer than we think.

In the meantime, we’re encouraged to keep “doing good,” using every opportunity to show love to the people God has put in our lives. No matter what “season” we presently find ourselves in, we’re called to sow seeds of faith and kindness. Although we don’t know “the day or the hour,” we can be confident our harvest will come.

When we take these lessons to heart, we’re sure to experience great blessings ahead—whether the Bridegroom comes as quickly as we want Him to or not. 

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Prayer Changes Things

Pray for the country of Y as unrest continues. Now that the port of A is open, pray that ships bringing food will come and that those who need the food will receive it. Pray for all the logistics necessary to make this happen. Pray for peace in Y. Pray for a number of believers who are in great need now - without jobs and means to provide well for their families. Pray that some of this food will go to them and that they too would provide for those in need (Luke 10:25-37).
In the same country, pray for a young man who is searching for Truth due to trauma in his childhood. Thank God that he now has access to the Scriptures. Ask that the Holy Spirit will help him understand them. Pray that he and his whole family will believe. In addition, pray for a believer who was put in prison last week for trying to help meet the material needs of other believers. Pray for his release, spiritual encouragement, peace and joy (Matthew 5:10, 11), and boldness to speak God's word (Acts 4:29).
In another country, there had been a budding church of nationals coming together. However, a jailing of one of the new believers, then a court case between two of them, etc. caused the group to crumble. Pray for the long-time tentmakers and these believers, that they will all have renewed faith, love, hope, guidance, encouragement from the word (Romans 15:4), and wisdom from the past, to see God's chosen church established together in the faith in unity (Psalm 133, Romans 15:5-7).
Pray for the young men in another country who live in a small, conservative town. Some of them are hostile to the truth but they are still willing to discuss the issues. They are hungry for spiritual substance in contrast to their peers who only care about material comfort. Pray that God would grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth that they may escape from the snare of the devil who has captured them to do his will (2 Timothy 2:25, 26).
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Have Smartphones Replaced God?

9651021884?profile=originalThere’s no denying it: smartphones are, well, smart. Nifty and immensely helpful gadgets, they seem to do everything we need: connect us to our peeps, answer all our questions, and guide us to our destinations. We grab them when we wake up, and fall asleep with them in our hands. (See infographic, below). We drive with them, keep track of our kids with them, and work better with them. As a nation, we have become addicted to the kind of personal technology that helps us live life, lose weight, look smart, and keep up with the daily grind – yet still fits in our pocket. There really isn’t much a smartphone can’t do – and we like that – a lot!

For those of Judeo-Christian backgrounds, however, the smartphone explosion looks uncannily like a scripture passage in Deuteronomy 6. It reads: 
And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.” 

(Deuteronomy 6:6-9, NKJV).

It doesn’t take a rabbi or a theologian to see that the kind of interaction we have with our smartphones today is the kind of interaction God designed for us to have with Him. Wearable technology – the kind you “bind upon your hand” – is becoming the newest trend, and Google has even created GoogleGlass ™, which looks eerily like the above statement about “frontlets between your eyes.” 

Click here to continue reading: Have-Smartphones-Replaced-God?

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The Akdam are the poorest of the poor. With an economy that is not doing well, it is the poor who suffer the most. Pray that the needs of these people will be met, not just their physical needs, but also their spiritual needs. Some among them, have heard the Good News of Christ's love for them. Pray that they will remember what they have heard or read the Scriptures given to them. Pray that God will work in a mighty way and that many Akdam will come to Faith.


Rejoice that the Spirit is at work drawing locals to faith in Jesus Christ. There are reports of more and more people turning to Him in an area with a long history of very few local believers. Pray for softened hearts of extended family members and those in authority. Pray for the freedom and opportunities to share boldly and lovingly.


Pray for safety and calmness for workers, when people are fearing terror attacks.  Pray that we don't get trapped by fear but we will be wise and do the work we came for, to share this hope in Jesus with those who live in these lands.


Recently "Ahmed" returned Josh MacDowell's More Than a Carpenter to his believing professor.  As they discussed the book, Ahmed's accompanying friend, "Mohammed", asked, "May I read it, too?"  Pray that the compelling Spirit of God will win the hearts of these young men.


The news is grim for this country, with pictures of fighter planes doing damage, suicide bombs leaving their deadly mess and angry men shouting revenge. Pray for the people as they deal with very hard times, fear and uncertainty for their future. Ask that God will speak to them in visions and dreams, showing that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Pray that many will come to Him in these days when their lives are shaken. 

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The Man

Imagine the hardest rain storm you have ever been in; lightening, thunder. It is so severe that you are fearful of the damage it will bring to your house and your very life. Then a man walks out and tells the storm to go away. Everything goes quiet, everything is calm. With amazement you look at the man and say; "what kind of man is this?" This is none other than Jesus, the Son of God, the Son of Man.


Then he got into the boat and his disciples followed him. Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went and woke him, saying, "Lord, save us! We're going to drown!"


He replied, "You of little faith, why are you so afraid?" Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.


The men were amazed and asked, "What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!" Matthew 8:23-27


Pray that this amazing Son of God, Son of Man would bring amazement to the peoples of the Arabian Peninsula. May the people of the Arabian Peninsula be amazed by Jesus and put their faith in Him, coming to know Him and all that He is-the Son, the Man.

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Overwhelmed or Overshadowed?

“I believe in the sun, even when it is not shining; I believe in love, even when it is hidden; I believe in God, even when he is silent.” (Air-raid shelter; Cologne, France; WWII)

On this first day of spring, we look in vain for the sun; but we believe the sun is still shining beyond the clouds. 

When we are gloomy, God overshadows us with invulnerable joy. Guardian angels spread their wings over us, surpassing angst with ecstasy. When life gets dreary, God’s Presence brightens our inner being. Clouds veil the azure sky, but the sun is still shining beyond the gray dome of mist—that blazing star will warm our faces and cheer our spirits when the storms are over. Dark happenings of our life hide God’s smile; but when we hold His hand in the dark, His consolations cheer our soul.


When we are crushed by guilt, God overshadows us with redeeming grace. As humans, we stumble now and then, but our Defense Counsel helps us get to our feet again if we request His help. Moral failure need not devastate us—God’s forgiveness and mercy unburdens us. If we pay the price of repentance, the Lord promises to throw our sins overboard and hide them irretrievably in ocean depths of oblivion.


When we are grieving, God overshadows us with consolation. When emotions clash on tidal waves of fearful worry and hopeful trust, heaven’s gift of perfect peace calms pandemonium and keeps us on an even keel on high seas. His voice hushes the sea to sleep so we can rest easy.


When we feel the urge to complain, God overshadows us with goodness. If we feel cheated by life’s unfairness, pausing to consider how we have been blessed will enable us to stop whining and start worshiping.


When we’re overwhelmed by life’s difficulties, we should recall God’s promise to overshadow us. Centrifugal influences threaten to tear us apart, but He holds us together by the centripetal force of grace. In chaos, Christ is our Center of  Gravity. In sin, Jesus is our Salvation. In sadness, the Holy Spirit is our Song. In spinelessness, the Almighty is our Strength. In labyrinths, the Lord is our Leader. In confusion, God is our Counselor.


In The Imitation of Christ, Thomas a` Kempis wrote “There is no man in this world without some manner of tribulation or anguish, though he be king or pope.” Whatever our trouble, if we open the eyes of our heart we will wonder at the contour of angel wings. Life is sometimes overwhelming, but Love always overshadows us.



The cherubim spread out their wings above, overshadowing the mercy seat with their wings. Exodus 37:9 ESV


Johnny R. Almond

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

[This devotion based on Day 57  of Gentle Whispers]

Interim Pastor, Nomini Baptist Church; Montross, Virginia

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A Cold, Cruel World

“Every mile is two in winter.” (George Herbert, 1651)


“Winter changes into stone the water of heaven and the heart of man.” (Victor Hugo, 1862)


“Winter Storm Juno” (aka “Blizzard ‘15”) with its hurricane-force winds is dumping heavy snow, creating whiteout conditions, and causing coastal flooding across much of New England. More than 50 million people are hunkered down seeking warmth and shelter. Power outages are widespread. Thousands of flights have been canceled. Travel bans have been issued. Bleak weather service blizzard warnings forecast life-threatening conditions and extremely dangerous travel. Icy roads and bone-chilling temperatures are keeping people inside their homes.     


The New York City  Department of Homeless Services has changed its weather emergency procedure, allowing the homeless to stay at any city shelter regardless of which one they’re assigned to. In an effort to find homeless New Yorkers along the subway system, they have doubled the number of “outreach vans” on the streets. Rescue workers are reaching out to provide shelter for those who might otherwise starve or freeze to death.


Extreme winter weather reminds us of the sad reality that emotionally it can be a cold, cruel world. And when storms of the soul threaten our spiritual well-being, it is good to know the heart-warming God.


While Martin Luther was in the Wartburg Castle, protected by a Saxon king against Emperor and Pope, he read Psalm 46 and  was inspired to compose “A Mighty Fortress is our God, A bulwark never failing; Our helper he amid the flood Of mortal ills prevailing.”  Thankfully, God is “a very present” (not absent!) “help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1 KJV). Whatever storms life brings our way, God is our Storm Shelter.


In the storm of human cruelty, our Shepherd prepares a feast for us in the presence of our enemies (Psalm 23:5). In the storm of unprecedented catastrophe, the Almighty is the Help of the helpless (Psalm 46:1).  In the storm of perplexity, our Father cheers our heart (Psalm 94:19). In the storm of trouble, our Lord puts a spring in our step (Psalm 138:7). In the storm of midnight loneliness, our Savior gives us a song (Acts 16:25). In the storm of fear, our Master reassures us of safety (Acts 27:22-25). In the storm of worry, our Friend cares for us (1 Peter 5:7). In the storm of discouragement, our God holds us together (Isaiah 41:10). In the storm of overwhelming danger, our Creator promises we will survive (Isaiah 43:2).


All who trust in the Lord Jesus Christ have a Storm Shelter in time and eternity. “When the storms of life are raging, stand by me” (Charles Albert Tindley). Better than a child clinging to a security blanket, believers have divine reassurance of spiritual safety forever. “Till the storm passes over, till the thunder sounds no more, Till the clouds roll forever from the sky; Hold me fast, let me stand in the hollow of Thy hand, Keep me safe till the storm passes by.” (Mosie Lister)


In heaven, no storms will ever beat on the glittering sand while the years of eternity roll. Until then, in this cold, cruel world, thank heaven for our heart-warming God.


“Whenever perplexing cares crowd my inmost self, Thy consolations cheer my soul.” (Psalm 49:19 MLB)


Johnny R. Almond

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

Interim Pastor, Nomini Baptist Church; Montross, Virginia


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"For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control."....2 Timothy 1:7

(Against Anxiety, Day 6)
Father God we are so grateful that You have removed all obstacles that stand in the way of our reconciling with You, to remove the guilt and stand from the Fall of Adam, in the Garden. We are so grateful that through the Precious Shed Blood of the Ancient of Days, the ONLY perfect and acceptable Sacrifice for sin, that we are able to even stand in Your Holy Presence and not be cast aside into outer darkness, where doth lieth weeping and gnashing of teeth. All You ask in return for this Mighty Grace and Favor is our obedience to You, oh Most High, and surrender to All Your have in store for us. And Lord what You have and plan for those who love You, is so much better if the rest of us would just stop, listen and learn!

Who is like You, and who can out-give, out-love, out-grace You, oh Sovereign One? No one! You take away our fear and anxious moments by the strong whisper of Your Voice, as You direct us back to Your Written Word where You said "fear not" so many times, it is the most powerful exhortation in the Scripture! In our troubles and weakness, we overlook these things and subjugate our faith into second place, choosing to be like the lost of humanity and operate in the paradigm of fear. While, oh God, this may a natural human reaction, You did not call us or expect Your elect to do this sort of thing, but to trust and believe.
For that reason, You emphasized again that You did NOT give us a spirit, bent, inclination, heart and the ability to focus just so we would cower in spiritual and natural fear, when You - the Lord of Heaven's Armies Who can destroy every evil thing with one Word, one Command, is for us! We know this, we know You have us covered by the Blood and by the Angels, so help us to have the triple portion of Faith necessary to operate in this way every single moment of every day of every week and forever more, until You call us home.
You called us 'sons of God' and gave us Power (John 1:12) and thus, we already are embedded with Your dynamic, fluid Kingdom authority to beat back the enemy with the same word - Prayer! We must take authority over our situation, in Jesus' Name and then that authority will be thus be our connection to the Source, so You can then execute the result You desired in any particular situation. And we do this in Love oh God, the same love, agape, unconditional and forgiving love You showed us as we wallowed in our sin before Christ rescued us. None of this is possible - operating out of AND under the Authority of Christ in love, power and boldness if we are not under control, in sound mind and full conscious, aware, obedient and knowledgeable to the Who You are and what You are accomplishing in our lives.  Father God, give us the soundness and clarity of mind, that we, Your people, keep our collective heads on in cool calmness, being vigilant and alert so that when everything starts falling down around us, we can be under the unction of the Holy Spirit, in full control to lead others to You Way - the Perfect Way. We ask this through the Mighty Undefeated Name of our Lord and Commander of the Universe - Jesus, our Soon Coming King. AMEN
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" Only take heed to yourself, and diligently keep yourself, lest you forget the things your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. And teach them to your children and your grandchildren"....Deuteronomy 4:9
Oh most merciful and loving God in Heaven, we worship You in spirit and in truth and in gratitude for Who You are and What You have done. We have seen Your Hands, the Work of Your Hands, the Wonder of Your Love and the Grace from Your Heart, as the winter of our discontent, the wickedness of our hearts and the wandering lost nature of our souls were rescued from sin, death and hell. You did that, oh Lord. We are living proof, I am living proof, of the unseen Hand of God, Whose Arm is never too short, to reach into the depths of depravity and despair and pull us out by the root to replant us in the Garden of Grace.
We know, in every fiber of our very being, what You have done in protecting us from danger, keeping us from falling and from the wolves and sure death out there as the angels You sent, kept us from "dashing our foot up against a stone". Father, I remember those days. I remember the fields of dirt, thirst and hopelessness You took me out of....just like You took the little shepherd boy away from the flocks who slew great giants and became king David of Israel. As Your Faithful servant, meek yet strong, Moses urged all believers for all times, I purpose to "take heed" and wear Your salvation of my soul on my sleeve that others may gain. I take particular, punctilious, painstaking, rigorous, care in, as Your Apostle Paul says "working out" that salvation....not to be "saved again" but to build on what You have given me, in Grace through Faith, to a daily maturing in that the spirit of boldness, power, love and a sound mind!
It is only by staying, abiding and walking close to You, Abba Father, that I can be, that we can be, of any use to the Kingdom of Your Great Son, King Jesus the Lord of Heaven's Armies and the real Commander in Chief of the world! It is only by constant prayer, intercession, and letting the Word of God, the Bible richly dwelling in us day after day, month after month, year after year,  that Your servants can be effective in leaving a legacy of Lordship not just to our children from their birth to their maturity, but from their teenage years until they themselves become parents and then, if we are blessed with clarity of mind and good old age, we too can share what God, through Christ has done for us.  Lord, give us this day, not just our daily bread, but the daily power, strength, boldness, discernment and wisdom to execute every statute You laid out in this Scripture from this verse above, so that we will be able to do just as You commanded,  to not just leave but LIVE a legacy of love, and the Knowledge of the Goodness and Wonderful Works of our Lord, to those whom we will one day temporarily leave behind. We ask this in the Precious Name above all names - Jesus, our Lord, amen.
Holy Bible, Book Divine
Precious Treasure, Thou art mine!!!
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Throughout the history of the Church, many who followed Christ have died for their faith at the hands of evil men. Recent stories from North Africa remind us that this continues to happen. As we think about those from the AP who were martyred, pray that the words they spoke and the lives which they lived will be remembered by the people they knew. Pray that these friends and relatives will accept Christ as Savior and Lord.

Not long ago a Muslim Academic was talking to some church leaders in the Arabian Peninsula. He was saying that they feel Islam has been 'blindsided', as in when a car strikes another car from the side, having not applied the brakes, without any warning and causes massive damage. This is the effect that ISIS is having on Islam, they did not see it coming, it was not expected and there is great damage. ISIS has killed more Muslims than Christians. He shared that if ISIS came into his country with power, he would die right along with the Christians for they would kill him as well. He went on to say with true humility and honesty, "We do not know what to do!"

God has placed peace in the hearts of people. Many Muslims desire to live in peace with all people, but they cannot call ISIS back to the Quran and say; follow the teaching of Islam, because they know the Quran teaches these kinds of things. They cannot say; Muhammed is not pleased with this beheading, because Muhammed allowed this and witnessed it. ISIS is causing fear, but it is also causing a great questioning at the very core of who people are. Do they really believe Muhammed and the Quran is right? Is this violence how God has created them to be?

Pray for Muslims in the Arabian Peninsula to questions deeply the teaching of Islam. Pray this will lead them to seek out the truth found only in the Lord Jesus. Pray that as they seek out the truth they will find the peace their souls long for in the Lord Jesus Christ. Pray that whole families will find this together.

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