Revelation from the heart of ADONAI



“I will open my mouth in parables, I will say what has been hidden

since the creation of the world” - YESHUA (Matt 13:35)


Do you know that the secrets of GOD are now open to all believers? Everyday GOD sows the seed of His word into the soil of people's hearts but the question is, are we listening? Do we take it to heart? Do we believe?


In many parts of the world, the problem is not that the Gospel is not preached, but do people believe? In fact, in many instances, the devil believes GOD's word and shudder more than Christians. Why do I say that? Because the fruit of believing is living the Word.


The seed of the Word comes from GOD but we are responsible for the soil of our hearts. Our hearts must be open to nurture the seed. It must find a home so that it can germinate and sprout up and grow. If the Word finds a home, faith instantly grows. The more we think about the Word and chew on it, the more it provides nutrition to our spirit. Nutrition in terms of 'trust'. Trust that whatever GOD promised, He will do, no matter what.


The written Word of GOD is His progressive revelation to all His children. All of us should not just read it because that is not enough. We must meditate on it day and night. What does that mean? It means that whatever we read in the Word, we must think about during the day and even at night. We must have a continuous intimate conversation with the HOLY SPIRIT and ask Him about what it means and how we should apply it and to give us opportunity to do it. The Scriptures, most often, would give us a general guideline but it is the HOLY SPIRIT who will direct our path on the specifics of the Word. Now we have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit of GOD, so that we might understand the things GOD has so freely given us (1 Cor 2:12). When we dare to 'trust' the Word, the HOLY SPIRIT will create the circumstances to test that 'trust' and even provide the courage and energy as we abide in Him, so we will overcome every test.


What does it mean to 'trust' the Word? If we believe that the Word of GOD is Truth, then the Truth will set us free. GOD's word has never failed. The prophets of old often prophesied in the past tense; actually saying that it's a done deal! So if we 'trust' GOD, then His Word is true and we can speak it in confidence to become reality in our lives. Dare to read it, meditate on it, speak it and do it; then you and I will see our lives transformed.


. Do not be satisfied to just read about it. Expect the HOLY SPIRIT to talk to you. After all, if we are truly believers, we have the mind of CHRIST!


He who has ears to hear, let him hear!










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