Pamela Stein's Posts (12)

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Recieve This Day!

God has chosen this day for you! He chooses to give you good things today as you seek Him and praise Him in your devotions! He is ready and waiting to show you pleasure and peace in ways you have yet to discover. He is waiting for His people to come to Him in prayer and praise. Praise His holy name today and every day! Pray for His guidance, His mercy and peace.  He will honor your requests and bless you with these things! God is waiting to bless you! He showed me this morning that He is on His throne holding a golden bottle filled with the oil of gladness, waiting to pour it out over His people. He loves to fill our hearts with peace and joy! In order to receive this great gift, you must call upon Him to deliver you from the enemy, then walk in His ways, receive His mercy and pray for your freedom. You must turn from your evil ways of thinking and living. You must ready yourself to receive His goodness.

Do not allow yourself to wander the earth with envy or anger. Do not choose to hurt others. Instead, you must bless your enemies, greet those who hate you with a smile and love in your heart. Show them God’s love for them and forgive them for their ignorance. Then you will be blessed. Then you will receive the golden oil from the bottle only held by the one and only true God. Be blessed today as you receive this word and as you carry out His mission. Let God show you His mercy, His Love and His plan for you to prosper and receive His blessings.

Take this day to praise God and love your enemy!

But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. Matthew 5: 44 NIV

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You are treasured! You are loved! You are anointed for my purpose! Walk closely with me to see and taste the wonders of my love for you! Do not consider yourself “not good enough”. I made you who you are, and I make no mistakes.  If you will seek me, I will show you how to love and how to live a new life of hope and fulfilment. I will guide you past the worries as long as you stay close to me. I have hidden treasures in your heart waiting to come forth into the world.  These treasures are love and mercy, thanksgiving and peace. They will be of great benefit for you in the coming days. I am waiting for you to come to me for your answers, your peace and your forgiveness. I am waiting for you to receive these treasures I have laid up for you.

Come to me with your burdens, your worries and your fears. I am your comforter, I am ready to lead you to a life of victory. I am ready to show you love that you have never seen or felt before. I am the God of Adam, the first man that I created. I am the God of Moses who I chose to lead my people out of slavery. I am the Great Creator of this world. There is nothing I cannot do. I am ready to give you a good life, but you must follow me to receive.

Accept my invitation today! Accept my love! Accept my promises! I have laid up treasures in Heaven for a life well done!9651037277?profile=original

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You Are God!

A praise to God for His Mighty Hand in my life!


YOU ARE GOD!  You rule the universe and all that is in it! I give you rule over my life because I trust you will bless me beyond measure. I pray to you for my safety because I know you will keep me safe! I give you my heart with great love, because I know you love me more than I can ever imagine. You are a great and mighty ruler who has given me everything that I need and you promise me the desires of my heart. My heart is kept pure and spirit full of wonder at the endless gifts you bestow on me!

Your love is like a mighty river that flows through me and over me, filling my heart and my life with awe as your gifts over flow in my world. My life is all about you O Lord! You are my maker, you are my healer, and you have baptized me in the holy spirit.All that I do, I do for you, in your name that your blessings will continue to overflow in my life and my soul. You alone are my savior and my healer. My only short coming is that I cannot express my gratitude enough to reveal my true feelings. There are no words to express my love and my longing to hear your mighty and gentle loving voice in my life. Thank you, Heavenly Father for accepting my broken soul into your kingdom! Thank you for your companionship and for speaking your Word into my heart.

I will follow you all the days of my life with love and devotion. I can never truly show you the love I hidden my heart. I can never  match the love you have returned to me.  You are a great and mighty God who rescues us all from the enemy! I am grateful to you for the safety you have afforded me and the favor that follows me, for I am a Child of the most highGod!


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911 Remembered

9651035901?profile=originalGod Bless our country today as we remember the attack of September 11, 2001. 2,996 People were killed, over 6,000 people injured, and an entire country affected by 19 hijackers. We pray for our country today, and for the families of the injured and the lost. May it NEVER happen again, and may this country grow stronger and united as we mourn the losses we suffered that dreadful day.

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I am the one who strengthens you. I will show you the way. You do not always need to rely on other people to grow in my wisdom and love. You need Me more than anyone or anything. I am the great I AM. I am your healer when you are hurt or sick. I am love when no one is around to love you. I am everything you need. I will lead you when you look to me and depend on ME to lead you. My glory shines over you. My will is the only thing you need to seek after. I have your life in the palm of my hand, watching every move you make to assure your success and safety. My hand covers you and protects you. Believe in Me and I will guide you through the wilderness. I will show you a life more precious than you can imagine. My people know a love so great, they can barely tolerate the impact of it on their lives. They bow down in honor. Not that I demand it, but only because my love is so pure they are made grateful and filled with generosity and forgiveness. The experience of my love alone is more than any human can bare. I share with you in small doses so that you will be able to tolerate it.


I am bringing new things to pass very soon. You will see new doors open and new projects that only you can fulfill. You are ready for a new season of LOVE, JOY and PEACE. You will honor me in new ways because I will pour out so much love upon you. Do not turn to the right or to the left. Stay the course I have given you. Do the tasks I give you and lean into my presence. Do not allow distraction. Focus on the task as hand and you will see My glory on your life.


Seek My face daily for your daily download of love and perspective. I will show you the peace you have been seeking. I will show you joy instead of mourning. Your day will begin anew. Your day will contain sustenance in me and only me. I will declare goodness and mercy over you. I will declare stability, joy, peace, forgiveness and love over you. You are my joy. I look at you and see my work in you coming into it’s fruition.  Your time is here. You are about to shine like never before. Your obedience and dedication have paid off. You are ready to join in the season of fruitfulness and prosperity. You are ready to receive the fruit of your labor.

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Life Changes

Life changes and is never stagnant, if you allow yourself to grow. Growing takes effort. Reading His Word and applying His principles to your life. They are good principles, adding value to life. This does not mean you’re going to hop on a fluffy soft cloud and float through life with no heartache or pain. It does mean that you have God to lean on. It means when you seek Him, He will answer. When you follow His principles the hardships in life can be overcome. He cannot always keep you from harm, but He can help you heal from it. He does not control anyone. He is not a control freak. He is here to guide you when you ask but you must listen when He answers. He is your healer, but not always in the way you expect. You only think in the ways of man. You cannot always comprehend what He is doing in your life. This is where trust comes in. If you are following Him, reading His word, praying and soaking in His presence you will have greater understanding and greater healing from life’s hurts.


He is here for His people! The one’s who choose to follow Him. Being a follower of His Son Jesus does not make you weak. Instead it makes you strong. Spiritually strong. Align yourself with the Holy Bible. Align yourself with a Bible believing church that teaches Agape Love above all else. Learn of His ways. Learn to love others and His Son. Learn to love yourself. Many people have done so much wrong, been taught wrongly, or mistreated so badly, even by those who call themselves Godly, that they are confused and refuse to hear His Word. But know that I do not control them and they can choose to misconstrue His Word, or twist it for their own glory or excuses. He is the ONE and ONLY TRUE GOD who love’s your soul. Who forgives your sins and longs to guide you to the truth of the Word. He is peace when there is no peace around you. He is Love when there is no one to love you and even when you do have people to love you. He is the Great I AM, here to guide and save His people. You must choose Him as He has already put you on the list of HIS Chosen. He has given you the opportunity and the right to follow Him and seek His peace in your life.



Matthew 11:28-30: “Come to me you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

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God is Faithful!

God is Faithful



I am faithful says the Lord! I am your comfort when you seek me. I have your answers when you ask. You are my chosen and therefore are created to receive my Word. Let my words of love wash over you like waves on the ocean. Let them push out the doubt and discouragement of the world and fill you with hope and healing of your soul and mind. I am faithful to lead you to the green grass of hope and joy because you seek me. Your heart must surrender to the love I have for you. You must spend time with me and in my word. Read, pray, seek, wait upon me to fulfill my promise to you. Do not complain, it only delays your healing and slows my progress in you. Look to me and see that I am Holy! I am not a toy. You cannot choose to “play” with me when you have nothing else to do. You must be faithful to seek me daily and sometimes many times in a day. You must be faithful to study my word that I have given you called the Holy Bible. Your answers are in My Word. Your healing is in My Word. Obey MY laws, seek MY face and pray to only Me.

Many of you think I am a magical toy you call upon and I come to you like a pet starving for your attention to do your will and fulfill your dreams. But I am more than that. I am the Loving God of the Universe. I am here to heal you and provide for my faithful and thankful people who use their valuable time to seek Me and praise Me for the good and the bad. I am the one true God who brings you to health and wholeness in My Word and in My presence.

Many have hurt you in my name. Do not hate them. Instead, look to me. Look to My Word. Immerse yourself in My word and in prayer. I am your answer, but I am not your puppet or your pet. I am not here to fix all of your mistakes, I am here to help you learn to avoid mistakes. That is what My Word contains. All of your answers are in the Word. (the Holy Bible)

I do answer the prayers of those who diligently and honestly seek Me. I am the Almighty who rescues the wounded. Who loves and protects those who diligently and honestly seek Me. I am the lover of your soul. Read my Word, seek me in prayer keep yourself honest and seek holiness. I am here with you and for you to guide you with My spirit in love and grace.

My peace be with you.

Hebrews 10:23; Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.

I John 1:9; If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

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Filled with hope! Filled with joy! Filled with confidence! Turn on the faucet and let yourself be filled! God is ready willing and able to fill you with all that you need to redeem your life and move forward into a new lifestyle filled with promise, His promise!


God Himself seeks out the wounded and the broken hearted. He desires that we be healed and redeemed. He desires that we live in abundance of security, hope and love. He desires to inspire all of us to do His will, and by doing so, live in His promise of a new life.


This new life is up to you. He calls you, but He does not force you. He also will not beg you, but He will open the opportunities for you to follow. Ultimately, it is your choice.


Fill your heart with the Word of God and watch your life change in so many ways! Stay in His word, live the lifestyle of a believer and witness the change in your own spirit and mind. See where this new life takes you!


We gather together as believers to share what the Lord has done for us. We share His Word! We seek out the truth and walk in His Love. God is waiting! He is waiting for you to want to change your life! He is waiting for you to make a choice. He is watching for you to arrive at that place in between and make the decision to follow Him and have a better life. God is for you! He is not against you! He has a plan for you, to give you a hope and a future! (Jeremiah 29:11) Do not hesitate! Call on Him! Give your heart to Him! Give your plans to Him! Seek out His will and follow His Word! You cannot go wrong if you are walking in the Word of God! Share His love and His heart and see the blessings He pours out over you!


Take the leap! Fall into His Word! The sincere heart for God will not be disappointed! Those who are insincere, woe to you. You will be more than disappointed. God is not a magic potion to be used and done. He is the Way, the Truth and the Light! Without Him we are nothing! Do not allow another day to go by without picking up a Bible and reading of the mysterious wonders of the world and its history. You will be transformed! You will be filled with joy! You will be able to become one of His chosen!


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Filled with hope! Filled with joy! Filled with confidence! Turn on the faucet and let yourself be filled! God is ready willing and able to fill you with all that you need to redeem your life and move forward into a new lifestyle filled with promise, His promise!


God Himself seeks out the wounded and the broken hearted. He desires that we be healed and redeemed. He desires that we live in abundance of security, hope and love. He desires to inspire all of us to do His will, and by doing so, live in His promise of a new life.


This new life is up to you. He calls you, but He does not force you. He also will not beg you, but He will open the opportunities for you to follow. Ultimately, it is your choice.


Fill your heart with the Word of God and watch your life change in so many ways! Stay in His word, live the lifestyle of a believer and witness the change in your own spirit and mind. See where this new life takes you!


We gather together as believers to share what the Lord has done for us. We share His Word! We seek out the truth and walk in His Love. God is waiting! He is waiting for you to want to change your life! He is waiting for you to make a choice. He is watching for you to arrive at that place in between and make the decision to follow Him and have a better life. God is for you! He is not against you! He has a plan for you, to give you a hope and a future! (Jeremiah 29:11) Do not hesitate! Call on Him! Give your heart to Him! Give your plans to Him! Seek out His will and follow His Word! You cannot go wrong if you are walking in the Word of God! Share His love and His heart and see the blessings He pours out over you!


Take the leap! Fall into His Word! The sincere heart for God will not be disappointed! Those who are insincere, woe to you. You will be more than disappointed. God is not a magic potion to be used and done. He is the Way, the Truth and the Light! Without Him we are nothing! Do not allow another day to go by without picking up a Bible and reading of the mysterious wonders of the world and its history. You will be transformed! You will be filled with joy! You will be able to become one of His chosen!


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God Is In My Life Today

Today’s words only begin to scratch the surface of the entity of God.

Here is a start of who He is in my life.

handMy life has been hard at times and good at times. I have figured out that you learn so much in the hard times and to be extremely grateful for the good times. God is good and He wants only good for us. But He also knows that we are still in a fallen world full of sin and sinful people. Bad things happen to all, including God’s chosen. His mercy is always there for us. He loves people. He yearns for us to come to him for rest and recuperation, forgiveness and the strength to forgive others. I have learned that He does not want us to be discouraged in the bad times but to look to Him for the answers, the grace to overcome and the peace that He is with us and He has our backs.

Be encouraged with what He has to say to us today:

My children, I call to you from the heavens to follow me. Learn from me and let me heal you. Let me guide you to new ways to live this life in my bounty. Let me show you the gratefulness I have for you. Let me show you how much I love you. Let me be the one you turn to when you need anything at all. If you pray first, hear from me and then act on what I tell you, you will see the good fruits of a relationship with me. You will grow in the presence of my love. You will see how I protect you from the evil one and bless you with my great joy. You will prosper in unseen ways. You will benefit from intimacy with me in your prayer life. You will know how to go about the business of daily life because you have invited me into it and allowed me to guide you. I will not take over your life. I will not be there without your invitation. I am here. I am ready to help you. I am ready to help you learn from the Word that has been written for you. I am ready to bless your life like you have never seen before. But only when you invite me. You have to come to me. I am not forcing my way through or into your life. I am a gentleman that you must call upon. Your call will be answered. I am not magic. I am not a puppet. I am the one and only true God of the heavens. I made you, then I let you go. You have your own will and your own mind. I do not control you or necessarily your circumstances. I am your great confidant. I am a still soft voice in your ear. I am your peace. I am your blessing. Come to me for rest and peace. I love all of my children. But you are not my child if you do not turn to me. Do not look for a “sugar daddy”, but look for the one who loves you and cherishes your time and your effort. Be ready for me to change your heart and heal your wounds. Be ready to walk through the barriers of the world and find a new life in me that is fresh and filled with love. Be ready for kindness to follow after you. I will call your name, but you must listen and you must answer my call. My voice may surprise you! You may not always understand what or why of where I am leading you, but as long as you stay close to me and continue to speak to me and listen for my answer and follow my Word, you will be safe. Come to me my child! Hear my voice and know my strength. I love you with an everlasting love that only I possess. Sit at my feet in prayer and wait for your blessing. It is coming soon. Do not be distracted by what others have or what I am doing in someone else’s life. Don’t pay attention to anyone else concerning your own path. I have made your path for you to follow. It is not for anyone else. It is for you and you only. No one else can be on your path. And therefore, you cannot be on theirs.

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His Grace

His grace comes to me in my darkest hours to sooth my hurting heart and pour out His love on my wounded soul. I cry out to the one and only true living God who loves and cherishes me more than I will ever comprehend. He is my friend in my dark hours. He is my comfort and covers me with His grace like a blanket of warmth covering my discouragement and surrounding me with His everlasting love that heals me to my deepest core. He has only love for me.


His grace is here for me and is never ending. It moves over me like a cloud and covers me with everlasting love. He brings contentment to my soul and pushes out the poison of worry and doubt. His desire is that all of us turn to Him for healing.


I feel the world trying to push me down, but I turn to God and saves me from the schemes the cold cruel world. I cry out to His Son for salvation and He rescues me. He never turns His back on me. He is my constant, trustworthy savior. Many people come and go, never staying in one place to long.


They run with the wind any which way it goes. They choose a new path because it looks easy or pretty. They run off course because they follow the wrong master of the “pretty” path or the “easy” path. They are lost and they create many burdens for themselves because they wanted the easy way. God is waiting for their return to His way because His burden is light. He carries us to joy and contentment in ways that no one or no other thing can. When we finally see His light, we can rest. We worship Him because He is. And when we worship Him just because He is, we receive rewards unmatched by any other thing in the entire earth.


We will never know the depths that His love can go, because it is never ending. Come to Him O children of this world! Know His love! Know His salvation from our sins! Seek only His love! It is the only way to be saved from the condemnation of the world. It is the only way to find true peace and to understand true love in its purest form.


As I write these words that have been laid on my heart from the Holy One, my heart begins to sing of the great mercy He bestows on me! I would be nothing without the Love of the One True God, the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ who died for us and for our sins! We could not receive this everlasting comfort without first accepting Jesus as our savior and acknowledging the majesty of the Holy God creator of the universe! Come to God! Praise His Name in the heavens and know that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life! He forgives our sins, our mistakes, our lies and our hatred. He shows us the way to true love and forgiveness for others and removes hate from our ugly souls. He is the only way to true peace.


Great peace to those who read these words, accepts Jesus as their savior and looks to God for all of the answers.


In His love,



Psalm 85:11-12: For the Lord God is a sun and shield; The Lord will give grace and glory; No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly. O the Lord of hosts, Blessed is the who trusts in You!


Psalm 45:2a: Grace is poured out upon your lips; therefore God has blessed you forever. 

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Words for the Wounded - Grace Growers

I think I want to be one of those, as soon as I figure out what that means. Maybe grow in grace is more my speed. I need a lot of grace because I don’t have life all figured out. I have stumbled and fallen, picked myself up (with the help of the Lord) and done it all over again so many times! My life is full of ups and downs, failures and triumphs. I have tried to walk the narrow path of greatness and failed miserably. God never fails me though. This is what He has to say to us:


“I am the One and Only true God who has and can offer grace to the human race. I ask my followers to be Grace Growers or Growers of Grace. When you exhibit grace for others, you give them the space they need to see My presence in you and then practice that same grace for others. I have grace for all and I give grace freely, asking the same of you. Come to Me for ultimate grace. I will show you what it looks like. I will grow you up in amazing grace. I will lavish your lives in the pool of grace. Yes, grace will grow out from Me, on to you and you will carry it out to others. Through you they will receive my grace and through my grace they will find peace.


I am the way the truth and the life. I am Love, I am Grace, I am Peace. Those who come to me will receive this life. It is not magical, it is not a one-time gift. It is a lifestyle that grows from a life lived with me. Following me, seeking me, reading my Word that I have poured out through the Holy Bible. As you receive my grace, you must share it with others for it to grow. Everything I give you will need to be shared in order for it to grow in you. It is the way I have made for you to receive and for you to grow. Give Grace all the time.


Romans 5:17: For if by the one man’s (Adam) offence death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.


Ephesians 6:24: Grace be with all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ in Sincerity. Amen.


1Peter 5:10: But may the God of all grace who called us to his eternal glory by Christ Jesus after you have suffered awhile, perfect, establish, strengthen and settle you.9651033887?profile=original

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