Dennis Owen's Posts (18)

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At the local vigil for the victims of the mass shooting in Orlando Sunday, Rev. RL Gundy conceded that finding forgiveness in the face of such hatred was challenging. "How do I look you in the face and say, 'Love your enemy?'” he wondered.

I know where RL is coming from....There is much to say, there are so many larger forces at work but it just doesn’t seem appropriate now. If we would pray more and speak out less, we would find ourselves on the side of good. If we would be love more, talk love less, we would find ourselves on the side of good. If we would pray for our enemies, we would find ourselves on the side of good. If we would not condemn those who do not live like us, we would find ourselves on the side of good.

It is my hope and prayer that the church would lead with genuine humility, compassion and an openness to LGBT people rather than a religious lead-with-justice approach…. Because the most justice can exact from us is respect.

When justice is conveyed through religious culture mindset, it doesn’t even get that much from us; it gets our rejection with a not surprising “thanks, but no thanks” response. This is something the legalists never acknowledge, allowing them to heap further judgment upon those who do not “obey the law.” This enables them to artificially shift the blame from themselves to those they have victimized.

The whole lead-with-justice system fails, even in its best efforts. God certainly does not want our rejection, and even our respect is not enough. God wants our love. And only mercy begets love.

If God did not begin with mercy, God would not be God–Whose nature is love, love from which amazing grace flows to “the sinner” who is any and all of us. As we learn from the story of Hosea, mercy doesn't deny justice, it only precedes and then goes beyond it.

The ultimate sign that mercy supersedes justice is the Cross. In eternal paradox, God “absorbs” the justice and “extends” the mercy–both in Christ -- the Just One who died self-sacrificially for the unjust. We, the justified body of Christ, the Church, must do likewise, as we seek to “act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly” and integrate the whole counsel of scripture into our prayer, care, share lifestyle. 

But too often we reverse it by asking the sinner to “absorb” justice as a pre-requisite to the extending of mercy. This is simply not the way of God. Instead, in Christ we see the primacy of mercy, offered to us all in ways that derives justice in the process.

That's why the church is the place in our society where the fullness of God’s ways should be displayed. Ministries of justice and mercy strengthen the reach of the Great Commission insofar as we live and teach the whole counsel of scripture. Those who are called to evangelism must not neglect that full counsel any more than those who are called to feed the orphan and the widow. And conversely, we cannot truly love our neighbors as ourselves without offering them the Good News of Christ’s redemption, so that God’s love and forgiveness may extend everywhere–and do so in ways that are continually new and surprising.

Radical? Yes. Risky? Clearly. Mandatory? Absolutely. Because the work of justice is the restoration of God’s true image in the world, made known in the one true Image, Jesus Christ. So, when Jesus commands us to love our neighbor and to love the enemy, he’s training us in overcoming the split between my self and your self. What you do to another, you do to yourself. What you do to the neighbor, you do to Christ. As Jesus said, “I and the Father are one.”

Scripture says it is with loving kindness that God drew us to himself. That kindness is the balance to justice and it is something that God accomplishes and that we are to emulate in our pursuit of unity with our neighbor, with the enemy, and with God. This creates a missional unity within the body of Christ. For as stated in the Lausanne Covenant: “When people receive Christ they are born again into his kingdom and must seek not only to exhibit but also to spread its righteousness in the midst of an unrighteous world.”

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Lance Wallnau, says, “You get to choose the environment you create. You can create an environment that draws people to the Kingdom or pulls them out.” 

Rather than adopting your street with the intention of implementing program, folks who join ‪ and sign up to adopt their street spend time talking to God about their neighbors before they talk to their neighbors about God .… engaging in the ministry of presence and becoming more aware, alert, and awake to the fullness of the immediate moment.

Neighborhood transformation occurs best when we let go of an “event” mentality and replace it with an “environment” mentality. Programs and plans have their place—moments matter—but all the pieces must be seen against the backdrop of a larger atmosphere and experience that never stops. 

Followers of Jesus who have adopted the lifestyle of “pray, care, share” live “environmentally.” We do not adopt our streets and prayer walk our neighborhoods as “volunteers” offering an hour a week. Instead, the hours we spend with people, working for justice, come from places we live, shop, play and work as part of our everyday life. We hope to spend years together living life in the Kingdom.

Like Jesus, we need to live and walk with an awareness that the Father's blessing is upon us. We come to be “with” our neighbors. Think of how different the dynamics are when a new parent joins a parents group in need of a place to share the loneliness/ tediousness of caring for a new born child versus a church that sets up a day care center. We come out of a “mutual” relationship sharing in what God is doing.

We become conduits of God’s work, pointing out what God is already doing, or where there are already resources right here to help. We therefore never run out of gas. We are truly energized. Of course we will offer our own resources not as a solution but because we are friends, part of this social reality God is bringing into being.

Neighborhood transformation brings us into an environmental understanding of the Christian life—an understanding that is “here and now”—“worship and work”—“life together”—“places and people.”

When I serve on Kairos teams at Union Correctional Institution, I find the same emphasis upon environments. Of course, there are “events” within environments, and even in the Kairos Prison Ministry such is the case. But the three-day weekend is never viewed apart from the environment, which both preceded and followed them. It is when we "listen, listen, love, love" that we can properly appreciate and participate in the events.

But the moment is made even more meaningful as we remember that the river never stops flowing. The flow of water through the arteries of the St Johns River is larger than the water we encounter at the riverbank.

Transformation never stops coming. Our moments of encounter are memorable, but not definitive. The environment enriches the event. It is when the River captures us that we can love our moments on the riverbank.9651023101?profile=original

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Tim Keller says, "We should not decide how to pray based on the experiences and feelings we want. Instead, we should do everything possible to behold our God as he is, and prayer will follow." Maybe that's why we need to build and maintain a prayer altar in our heart? We need to be there, in God's Presence, not just ‘experience’ His kingdom power, peace and prosperity.

Years ago, my view of prayer was radically changed by a little booklet entitled, My Heart, Christ’s Home.  Written by Robert Boyd Munger (and still in print today), it is a visual depiction of how a relationship with Christ transforms our lives. His heartbeat became my heartbeat as I celebrated the shift in my own desires. His presence became my greatest inheritance, and divine encounters my greatest memories.

God is passionate about hallowing the name of God. But this requires our participation. It does not take any great imagination to see what happens when we live for the hallowing of God's name in our homes, workplaces, and city, such worshipping not only directs us towards our Heavenly Father, but hallowing of His name becomes the supreme goal of our ministry and the aim of every breath we take. Because the more we delight in esteeming and treasuring the attributes and character of God, the more we are delighted. And again, this delight can only be fully experienced by being in His Presence.

And the consistent testimony of those who join the fellowship of burning hearts is a sense of shalom – that for the short time of being there the normal rules are suspended, there is greater liberty and freedom and sense of well-being, and peace, knowing that we do not have to pray in any particular way to attract and hold God’s attention.

I like presence and participation and peace. Check out Awakening Florida and World Trumpet Mission. Building a prayer altar and joining the fellowship of the burning hearts is a taste of heaven on earth. But, of course, it is only a taste. What I am really longing for is the kingdom, for the feast! My soul longs, yes, faints for the courts of the Lord; my heart and flesh sing for joy to the living God.

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"Stop calling some neighborhoods good and some bad!.... It categorically denies the dignity, worth, and value that God places in every human being, meanwhile, minimizing the ugliness and sin that exists in our own hearts and the lives of those who live in neighborhoods we think of as good ones," says our friend, Ruth Arnold, the Director 2nd Mile Ministries.

If we read and absorb this blog, I believe we will find that Ms Arnold has pulled a fast one on us–showing that the “edge” of culture is actually the Center of the Kingdom. It takes a woman to know that, and it takes faith to believe it!

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Take the LoveJax2020 Challenge

"It's a cultural change that needs to take place," said Sheriff John Rutherford, who was joined by several pastors. "...We cannot arrest our way out of a murder problem or violence problem. We have to start changing hearts." The Sheriff is correct. The only real solution to the culture of violence in this city is to change people. And, the only way to change people is through a transforming encounter with God.

We would like to invite you to join us in a movement with the goal of giving every person, young and old, in Jacksonville the opportunity to be authentically loved by at least one committed follower of Jesus Christ by the end of the year 2020. This authentic love involves followers of Jesus praying for their streets and neighborhoods, loving their neighbors in practical ways, and eventually sharing the Gospel with them. We call it the LoveJax2020 Challenge. This movement is drawn from a question asked to Jesus recorded in Matthew 22:36 and following.

"Teacher, which is the most important commandment in the law of Moses?"

Jesus replied, "'You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments."

God can use you to begin loving your neighbors into the kingdom as a vital part of Transform Jacksonville & NE Florida​'s LoveJax2020 Challenge (visit for details.) We encourage you to Adopt-Your-Street - Jacksonville. Start by taking periodic walks through your neighborhood and quietly pray for your neighbors. Then, look for opportunities to express Christ-like care for their physical or "felt" needs. Lastly, look for ways to share the Good News of Jesus. It is as simple as, pray, care, share!

Those of us accepting the challenge will seek to be conformed to the standard of loving God with all of self and to love those around us with the same degree of care with which we attend ourselves.

We believe those who honestly, humbly, seeking, praying, and confessing engage the LoveJax2020 Challenge will emerge on the other end changed. And, when a group within a community is changed, the community will begin to be changed. And so, the ripple can go...all the way to changing a city.

How about you? Do you have the courage to take the LoveJax2020 Challenge? Our city is at stake.

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How far can love go?

Adopting the simple and powerful lifestyle of praying, caring and sharing the love of Jesus Christ with those around us reminds us that if we follow Jesus, we would never have to worry about getting it wrong or drifting astray.  We could forget about “who gets the credit” and just walk with Jesus.

 If we needed to pray, he would kneel and invite us to kneel with him.  If we needed to care, he would show us where and how.   If we needed to share, he would be sure someone crossed our path. 

This is the light and life that comes as we follow Jesus.  An aggressive lifestyle of love would emerge from our harried lives.  The person of Jesus would emerge from all our plans and programs about him and we would share His love to every man, woman, young person and child in this city.

If you would like to change the Spiritual face of Jacksonville by 2020, go to and adopt your street! Share this call to love with as many followers of Jesus as possible. And please share the stories of your prayer-care-share efforts with us online.

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LoveJax2020: Give Love A Try

We pray that by the year-end of 2020, every person in Jacksonville would be authentically loved by at least one follower of Jesus.


We believe that the greatest gift we can give a person is an opportunity to know that God loves them and cares deeply about them. Such love is not an emotion, but a choice.


Followers of Jesus do not love on the basis of how we feel because real love is not a transaction based upon performance, but upon a relationship.  This understanding of love lead us to view loving God and others more as the purpose of life itself rather than a rule to be obeyed.


We believe the commandment to love comes to us from God, who is Holy Love.  This means our ego is not the gatekeeper of love, but that our lives are the channels through whom God’s love reaches the world.


Jesus’ words, “Love one another as I have loved” (John 15:12) make the command one of opportunity, not obligation–one of privilege, not pressure.  Our will to live is itself fueled by love–we love because he first loved us (1John 4:19). 


Give love a try! When we are transformed by God’s love, this experience saturates us, we cannot imagine not loving, and we lose interest in trying to decide when, where, how, to what extent, and whom to love.  In fact, we realize that the most soul-wearying thing we can ever do is to be the self-appointed managers of God’s love. 


The impact of love in the New Testament is altogether consuming. After all:

  • It never fails (1 Corinthians 13:8);
  • It covers a multitude of sins (1 Peter 4:8);
  • It casts out fear (1 John 4:18);
  • It speaks truth (Ephesians 4:15);
  • It lays down its life (John 15:13);
  • Nothing can separate us from it (Romans 5:35);
  • It is unconditional (Romans 5:8);
  • It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things (1 Corinthians 13:7);
  • Faith works through it (Galatians 5:6);
  • It operates in the invisible world (1 Peter 1:8);
  • It is the first fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22);
  • We are to pursue it until it overtakes us (1 Timothy 6:11);
  • It is sincere (Romans 12:9); and finally
  • It gives the best (John 3:16).


If we get into the habit of asking God to make His love real to us and to those we encounter, love will become the most powerful weapon in our arsenal. If it is not relevant to our city, then it is not relevant to any city. Without the power of Jesus’ suffering, death, and resurrection, we may have a good history, but we will not have good news.


Our prayer for the church at this hour is for love to simply be demonstrable, tangible, if you will. That’s why Transform Jacksonville & NE Florida has joined with the Mission America Coalition in sounding a trumpet call to bring God’s people to a simple and powerful lifestyle of praying, caring and sharing the love of Jesus Christ with those around us. Every Christian can be part of this loving lifestyle –loving regardless, loving anyway, and loving nevertheless.  This is not a knee-jerk, unconsidered love, but rather it is a Spirit-anointed love made possible by grace.  It is a love marked by passion for God and compassion for people.

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Shifting Florida in 2015

The Reason
     As a forerunner state, Florida plays a significant role for modeling change.  To affect change we can take a look back at the model for God's established order of priesthood throughout Israel's journey into possessing territory that did indeed affect change.  Darkness and unholy nations were affected as they kept God the focus of their lives.  As priests serviced the altars, God's Presence remained among them bringing favor, protection and blessing.  In our present society we can easily draw the conclusion that unholy altars are having considerable impact and the level of Godly priesthood must be heightened to bring the influence needed to affect change as well as sustaining God's people.  If we continue to ask, "What will it take to shift our nation," yet fail to extrapolate an answer based on the Word, we will continue to experience a downward spiral.  A set apart life as priests unto the Lord  WILL bring a response from God.  

The Consideration
     So, let's consider what could happen if Florida built a state altar before the Lord CRYing out consistently - in unity - to draw God's Presence across our peninsula?  Well, for one thing Psalms 133 says a blessing is commanded when unity shows up!  How about the thought that darkness has no effect when light is turned on.  Armed with these 2 impacting thoughts and a LOT of the Word, the Awakening Florida Prayer Army has partnered with several Florida Houses of Prayer, to experience the effect of that consideration....WE ARE BUILDING A STATE ALTAR.  Together, we will begin lifting up a CRY over the state of the church.  The church needs encouragement and a unified heart to draw God's Presence.  WE AGREE WE WANT THAT!!!!   

The Plan
     Already in the making, is the establishing of prayer EVERY Friday at some location in Florida, which will cover 24 hours of prayer beginning the first Friday in March; 6:00 PM Friday to 6:00 PM Saturday - through the entire year.  The focus will be CRYing out over the state of the church for affecting Cities, Reconciliation, Youth.  We are looking for the church to awaken to the SOS for Shifting Our State in 2015!  For now, you will receive continued emails such as this one, posting the locations for the Friday prayer along with the prayer focus and scriptures provided for praying into each Friday evening.  The month of March is already covered and most of April.  Soon we will have a CRY driven presence on the web that we will send you to for all the info and updates.

The Need
  Would you forward this information on to intercessors, churches/pastors, marketplace ministries, youth ministries, home churches,etc., you feel may be interested in this news?  We are continuing to seek out host locations that would participate in covering a 24 Hour Friday evening prayer.  If this is to continue to have life and succeed, it will take many hands. We need YOU!

The Questions
     While all questions cannot be addressed, following are just a few that may come to mind. 

Q:  Do we have to be in one location to host a 24 Hour CRY
A:  No.  However, it is necessary to have a lead person who will take responsibility for contacting those willing to take an hour or two hour slot.

Q:  What is required to host?
A:   Email:  There will also be a form sent for completing once the 24 hour prayer time is completed.  We want to know any words, scriptures or insight that may have been received.

Q:  Can I volunteer to help?
A:  PLEASE!!!!!   Email:

Q:  What if I have further questions?
A:  Email:
     Please share this information with others and get the word out across the state.  REMEMBER:  THIS IS A "BODY" EVENT!  No one is looking to take credit or be highlighted.  Yes, there will be leaders and host locations, but this effort is FOR the BODY and BY the BODY so we all make a difference together. 


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Prayer changes things read this story from a pastor in Uganda. He us in the front lines. Can we do any less. Hear are a couple of excerpts from his talk.

"Reflection on Prayer 

At Best We are Still in Kindergarten in God's School of Prayer
From the human perspective, years of experience count in any endeavor, but the more you develop intimacy with God, the more you realize that there is still so much you have to learn from Him, about His ways and the way to relate with Him. Your past experience may not count when new challenges arise. What counts is the Holy Spirit's leading. This makes one to absolutely depend on him. We are constantly learning new things about prayer in God's school. God is so deep that we cannot fathom everything about Him and about His ways. Like the Apostle Paul wrote: "How great are God's riches! How deep are his wisdom and knowledge! Who can explain his decisions? Who can understand his ways?" (Rom.11:33). 

The More I Pray, the More I Realize I need God's Help
I am constantly mindful of my weaknesses in prayer and of God's omnipotence. Prayer reminds me that I need Him daily and depend on Him for strength to survive. Prayer teaches me that it is not all about me, my plans, and desires, but all about Him, His purpose and His glory and kingdom. It is not about my ability or about my experience and wisdom, it all about His strength working in me, and through my weaknesses and inability.

The Sovereignty of God in Prayer
I have grown to know that God is sovereign in prayer. The burning desire of every intercessor or Christian is to see instant results and immediate answers and changes through prayer. But God has taught me to know that He exercises his discretion in all things, in the way He answers our prayer and when He answers them. He is in perfect control of all things, and "makes all things beautiful in His time." Our responsibility is to pray and trust Him to grant the answers at His own time.

The Necessity of Humility
Humility and patience in God's presence is needful to obtain results to our petitions. God's ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. Patience is necessary to walk with God. One common question many who walked with God frequently asked in the Bible was, "Lord, how long." The psalmist asked God, "How long." Habakkuk asked the Lord the same question, so did Jeremiah, and many others. In some cases, God did not answer them. At other times He answered them immediately. I find God's ways of doing things very humbling. Daily, my triumphalist zeal is being chipped away. In its place, I have come to learn to walk with Him."

Austen C. Ukachi, an IPC Leadership

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It takes more than a great church to reach a city, it takes a great movement of churches. This video featuring an interview with Tom McLeod reminds us all that the Church's core mission is to offer people creative ways to bless your neighbors.

From the very beginning, God’s way of reaching and restoring the world has always been through what I would call a blessing strategy…how do we in a very practical way that’s theologically grounded explain to people how they could bless people in places they are incarnating?

The answer is found in Luke 10:1-9. In this passage Jesus instructs His disciples to go into cities and do four things:

Speaking peace to the people they meet: “Whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace be to this house’.

Listening to find out where the pain and brokenness: “Stay in that house, eating and drinking what they give you, for the laborer is worthy of his wages.”

Talking to God about someone else's problem: “Heal those in it who are sick.“

Letting it be known that the kingdom of God is near: “Say to them, the kingdom of God has come near to you.”

We see in these four steps a movement toward incarnation in which we not only "march for Jesus" but we "move in" for Jesus and immerse ourselves in our communities, not just our "churches."

BLESSING opens the door to unbiased fellowship. Begin with prayer. We want you to ask, ‘God how do you want me to bless the people in the places you’ve sent me to?’ You cannot change what I do not embrace.

FELLOWSHIP. Don’t talk, but listen to people, their struggles, their pains, in the places God sent you. You can’t just check this off. It’s not quick.You cannot fix what you don't know is broken. You have to have a meal with people or a cup of coffee. It builds relationships and establishes a level of trust, allowing our neighbors to share with us their felt needs.

MINISTER. If you listen with people and you eat with people they will tell you how to love them and you’ll know how to drive them. Pray for their felt needs so that you connect their need with God's resources.

DECLARE. When we intercede for our neighbors, the kingdom of God comes near them in a tangible way. Say to them, "The kingdom of God has come near to you’” (Luke 10:9) and then confirm that the power and presence of God is "in the neighborhood" as you share the story of how Jesus changed your life.

Simply put, this blessing strategy, is talking to God about our neighbors before we talk to our neighbors about God. It is our hope that the pattern and possibility of Luke 10 can be expanded throughout Jacksonville. That is why we have set the goal to have each of the over 15,000 streets in this, America's geographically largest city, adopted and being actively and regularly prayer walked by the end of the decade.

Genesis 12:2-3 says, “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”

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Have our prayers been too polite with God?

Prayer is necessary because it energizes our heart, it releases God's blessing, and it results in real change on the earth. But we have been too polite with God. I do not mean we should be irreverent; I am saying the Lord's Prayer is not a weak, pleading prayer. There is a time to plead with God, but what Jesus gave was prophetic. There is not a “please” in it. Indeed, it’s the Father's pleasure to give us His kingdom (Lk 12:32). Thus, Jesus is not instructing us to beg for it, but to align our lives with it and then announce it. He is commanding us to call for God's kingdom to rule on earth, in our lives, churches and cities. This is a prayer of authority. Do we see this? Maybe our prayers should sound more like this:

"...Hearing the report, they lifted their voices in a wonderful harmony in prayer: “Strong God, you made heaven and earth and sea and everything in them. By the Holy Spirit you spoke through the mouth of your servant and our father, David: Why the big noise, nations?

Why the mean plots, peoples? Earth’s leaders push for position, Potentates meet for summit talks, The God-deniers, the Messiah-defiers! For in fact they did meet—Herod and Pontius Pilate with nations and peoples, even Israel itself!—met in this very city to plot against your holy Son Jesus, the One you made Messiah, to carry out the plans you long ago set in motion.

And now they’re at it again! Take care of their threats and give your servants fearless confidence in preaching your Message, as you stretch out your hand to us in healings and miracles and wonders done in the name of your holy servant Jesus. While they were praying, the place where they were meeting trembled and shook. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak God’s Word with fearless confidence."

Give us fearless confidence to speak your word!

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SOS 2015 A time to advance!


Casting Vision for 2015

A Time for Advance

   am delighted to have opportunity to address AWAKENING FLORIDA'S PRAYER ARMY this first day of the new year!  It is an honor to serve in this capacity with all of you who are making a difference in our state.  My expectation level is HIGH for the new year and I have NO DOUBT that as we partner with Holy Spirit we can see amazing SHIFTS in Florida.  It begins in our hearts first as we continue to go deeper in our altars and continue to draw God's Presence throughout the state.  There is so much on my heart to share and yet I want to be precise and compact with it all so let's begin.
   Our focus for the year will be "SOS 2015".   For identifiable purposes, "SOS" is an international distress call and my limited research says it does not stand for "Save Our Ship" or anything similar.  However, for our purposes it does....Shift Our Society.   I am not only speaking about the culture which desperately needs shifting, but also the society of believers.  I believe we would all agree the severity of the times requires us to CRY out over the distress of our state/nation AND the church.  

     We will this year, advance with intentional mobility to gather intercessors/intercessory groups under ONE BANNER - JESUS CHRIST.  While we in Awakening have a mandate with altars, we will SHIFT our old wineskin thinking away from the traditional church mindset of exclusivity into a broader Kingdom view and let the KING be the KING over all and PARTNER with all intercessors/intercessory groups across the state!  HALLELUJAH!
!!  In the Kingdom, we focus on the KING and HIS ruler-ship which is sure to develop the PARTNERSHIPS needed to shift our state.  As AFPA we joyously look for intercessory connections for unifying and embrace the gift(s) in one another.  We will re-educate ourselves by modeling unified identity and thereby make a very needed SHIFT within the Body of Christ.  PLEASE help me promote this mentality.  Share it often and become an ambassador for AFPA.  Even now, I am in the process of developing PARTNERSHIPS that will have significant impact for "SOS 2015".

     If momentum continues at the current rate, we will PARTNER with the HOPS (Houses of Prayer) across Florida for establishing state-wide prayer in some form AND we will begin to raise up youth who will take on Apostolic responsibilities and oversight within our state for the advancement of prayer on all fronts.  We will be joining with the HOPS at Onething Orlando for the 2015 PRAYER LEADERS SUMMIT.  I will be sending more information on this very soon so you may register.  It will be held at Church in the Son, Orlando, Friday, January 23 from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM and we will launch strategic plans from there.  If you are unable to attend - not to worry!  I will be sending eblasts with followup info so you will be informed either way.  If you can make it, I KNOW you will enjoy meeting other Prayer Leaders at round table discussions, so give it some thought.   (It is not necessary to sign up for ONETHING conference to attend this meeting.) 

       In conclusion, I want to add a final thought for pressing in this year.  As I have continued to say on our past conference calls, we want to CRY OUT over Florida for God's Presence to be drawn into our state.  As you know, on the calls last year, I focused on various topics across the state but I would like to just seed your thinking about three (3) areas I believe to be on Father's heart; Cities, Racial Reconciliation, Youth.  As you will note, this is the acronym for CRY.  While I believe the first "CRY" to develop is with the youth, there are negotiations in place now to develop the other two.  So, please keep these in mind as we move forward.  Our youth MUST receive the baton of prayer and leadership from the older generation.  The aged have wisdom and saged advice....the youth, strength and stamina for the race.  We must run together for a season.  


"For with wise guidance, you can wage a successful war, and in multitude of counsellors and with a council of many advisors, you will be victorious!"   (The Voice)  Proverbs 24:6

Awakening Florida Prayer Army Director

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Florida Statewide Prayer Altar Dedication

Lord God Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, we, the people of the State of Florida, declare that you are the only true God, the only wise God, and the one great God. You are Lord of all, King of all, and exalted above all. Your throne is forever and ever, and the reign of Your kingdom has no end.

You alone are the God of the State of Florida.

Lord, we acknowledge that we, the people of Florida, have been sleeping, slumbering, lethargic, and dull to Your presence. We have neglected and often abandoned You in our worship, communion, prayer, the reading of Your Word, and obedient service to You. We also humbly acknowledge that it is high time for the State of Florida to awake out of sleep. (Romans 13:11) Like the disciples on the Mount of Transfiguration, we believe that when we are fully awake, we shall see Your glory. (Luke 9:32) And the knowledge of Your glory shall fully cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. So we come before you to dedicate this statewide prayer altar of the Lord, we commit to pursuing personal, family, corporate and social awakening and transformation. We commit to sound the alarm for the people of the State of Florida and America to awaken. We declare that we will not be satisfied until we awake in Your likeness (Psalm 17:15)

King of Glory, we realize that we, the people of the State of Florida, have been hasty to depart from and have lived independent of your presence. As we now come back to our senses, we acknowledge that apart from You we can do nothing and without You there is no hope of a transformative revival in the land. Because You promised that the upright shall dwell in Your presence. (Psalm 140:13), we determine to humble ourselves under your mighty hand. Your presence is our only hope, our only confidence, the one thing we seek after. Therefore, as we consecrate this statewide prayer altar, we declare that we, as living sacrifices, will continually seek to draw Your abiding presence into our state and nation.

Almighty God we believe that before the foundation of the earth You determined to give the State of Florida a future and a hope. You decided beforehand the good works in which we, the people of the land, should walk. You alone destined Florida to be a forerunner state- a state that is a voice crying in the wilderness of this nation; prepare the way for the coming of the Lord. A voice declaring that “every valley shall be filled and every mountain and hill brought low. The crooked places shall be made straight and the rough ways smooth; and all flesh shall see the salvation of God.” (Luke 3:4-6)

Like John the Baptist, we, the people of the Florida prayer altar, will say to America, “behold the Land of God who takes away your sins and the sins of the world.” For truly Jesus is the Son of God. (John 1:29, 34) As a forerunner, we declare that we will trumpet and exemplify the call to repentance from Godly sorrow born out of the goodness of God. We will declare that the State of Florida prayer altar is set apart for Your purposes alone.

Lord we acknowledge that this statewide prayer altar will be known by loving unity in Your Name. Although in times past we lived in division and strife, we now submit to and agree with You that it is good and pleasant for brethren to dwell together in unity. This is the place where you command the blessing of life forevermore.

We, therefore, will beseech on another to walk worthy of the calling with which we have been called, with all lowliness and gentleness, with long-suffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. We acknowledge that there is one body, and one Spirit, just as we were called in one hope of our calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in us all. (Ephesians 4:1-5) With such unity, we believe that You will be in the midst of us.

Now we, the people of the State of Florida, hereby ask you Lord to hear our prayer and supplication that we make to you this day, May 10, 2014.

“Arise, O Lord God, to Your resting place, You and the ark of Your strength. Let Your priests, O Lord God, be clothed with salvation, and let Your saints rejoice in goodness. O Lord God, do not turn away from the face of Your anointed. Remember the mercies of Your servant David”(2 Chronicles 6:41-42).

We humbly and earnestly petition you to accept this declaration of the State of Florida prayer altar. May our sacrifice be acceptable in Your sight O Lord.

We declare in the State of Florida and America that You are good, for Your mercy endures forever.

We declare that You are far above all principalities and powers, and every knee, whether in heaven, on earth, or beneath the earth, will bow before You and declare that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. (Philippians 2:10-11)

We do hereby now say to the State of Florida, Lift up your heads, O you gates! And be lifted up, you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O you gates! Lift up, your everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory” (Psalm 24:7-10).

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2nd Mile Ministries

Many are willing to go a mile, but only a few are willing to go two. Can you imagine what our communities would be like if we were willing to invest 10 years? What would they be like if we were willing to go two miles instead of one? Where would they be, what could God do? Imagine! Ruth Arnold, the Executive Director of 2nd Mile Ministries, believes real transformation and change in a community takes a great deal of time, it takes perseverance, a willingness to remain, to endure. 

2nd Mile Ministries is a Christian community development organization working in the Brentwood neighborhood north of downtown Jacksonville, Florida. In their community overall life expectancy is four to nine years shorter than any other part of the city. For males, life expectancy is a five full years shorter than the next lowest community. Forty-three percent of children live below the poverty line. The unemployment rate (19.5%) is more than double that of most other parts of the city. Of those still in the school system, less than one out of four of local high school students reads proficiently (24%). Their community has its challenges but God is calling them to live life, to prepare for the long haul. Ms. Arnold said, "They are building a basilica not a circus tent."

God is calling his people to live in the city, to raise their families there, to share in the struggle of everyday life and to be a people that bring peace in a hostile environment. What I discovered during my recent visit to 2nd Mile Ministries is that “being there” can make all the difference.  They are making their presence known by living life to its fullest.

 Their mission at 2nd Mile Ministries reflects their call to transform Jacksonville together: “We are seeking to see the Gospel renew lives and communities so they are transformed in every way.” They want pursue comprehensive community transformation by planting their lives in the Brentwood neighborhood and focusing our energy directly towards that community. They want to do more than just share about Christ; they want to see lives truly transformed. They want develop future generations of leaders who will be leaders of transformation in this community and communities all around the nation.

Being present, praying, linking arms with and partnering together with others who care about some aspect of our community’s transformation, and persevering in “the hard, ‘dry’ life of the streets of our community” is not an easy task, but it “is the perfect place for God to use us as his light and move by the untamable power of his spirit to create a blaze. A blaze that consumes, multiplies, transforms and radiates his glory for miles around,” says Ms. Arnold.


 It is their goal to be the presence of Christ in ways that can be tangibly known and felt often by individuals and partners within their community. They live in their neighborhood, shop in their neighborhood, play in their neighborhood, and serve in their neighborhood. Through this they build meaningful, life-changing relationships. Through this people in their community feel their presences. Through these people in their community come to know and be transformed by Christ.

Be present! As Ruth Arnold and 2nd Mile Ministries have made their presence known—pursuing, serving, loving and supporting the Brentwood neighborhood on their turf, in their spaces, and under their leadership, make yours known in you neighborhood. You don’t have to go around shouting “ta-da I’m here!” but know your neighbors names, know who they are, where they work, what they do, be sure they know you and who you are.

Pray! Pray for others first. Pray that God’s peace may be realized in the city – in your neighborhood. Pray that others may experience the healing power and love of Christ and to experience the fullness that comes from being in relationship with Jesus.

Seek the peace – join with already existing leaders and organizations and the assets they possess in order to develop future generations of leaders who will be leaders of transformation in this community and communities all around the nation. Mentor a child, get involved in public schools, become a part of after school activities. Understand the complex web of city government, real estate, education, health care and finance. Be a part of your neighborhood. Be a part of a church and the outreach that they engage in on a regular basis.

Be willing to preserve. Remain committed and invested, because change takes time.

 Check out their website: 9651014687?profile=original

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How to Embrace a Pray-Care-Share Lifestyle in Your Workplace


Kip Miller, CEO and President, Eastern Industrial spoke at The Marketplace Luncheon and The Jacksonville Business Fellowship. Mr. Miller uses his business to promote compassionate business practices and a work environment in which employees are recognized and encouraged for the unique, creative capabilities they contribute to the team characterize it. Interwoven in this metamorphosis is the fundamental knowing that all individuals–regardless of position, are deserving of respect; that respect is a given, not an added benefit. I wanted to share excerpts from an interview that Mr. Miller did with a national trade magazine.


Why are you in business? It’s not a bad idea for all business owners to ask that soul-searching question of themselves. Many no doubt would concede that making money is the name of the game. Some might cite with varying degrees of truthfulness a commitment to their employees and customers. Others might emphasize that they simply love their work.


Then there is Kip Miller, president and CEO of Greenville, SC-based Eastern Industrial Supplies Inc., a PVF supply house commonly known by most insiders and customers simply as “Eastern.” To Miller, business is a means to put into action his deep-seated Christian convictions, which revolve around caring for people.


Folks of a secular mindset tend to roll their eyes when faith and business get mentioned in the same breath. I count myself among the secular ranks and going into this story was more interested in how Eastern handled PVF distribution than its faith-based involvement.


It didn’t take long to understand that it’s impossible to separate the business of Eastern from the principled Christianity that is its bedrock. The cynic within me came away disarmed by the realization that Eastern’s melding of business and faith has helped improve the lives of thousands of individuals ranging from Eastern employees and extending outward all the way to Africa. That’s where the company has been instrumental in founding the Daily Bread Life Children’s Home in rural Tanzania, which provides sustenance and education for dozens of orphans or youngsters whose parents are otherwise unable to care for them. In between the near and far are dozens of local and national charities that have benefited from the largesse of Eastern personnel and the vision of its leaders.


Sermonizing is not part of their agenda. Not once during my visit did Miller or any other Eastern associate try to proselytize, and I don’t even know what denominations any of them subscribe to. I never asked and nobody bothered to volunteer that information. “Life is about more than pipe, valves and fittings to me, but we don’t beat anyone over the head with our beliefs,” Miller told me. “We try to live our beliefs.” The result is an astounding breadth of charitable commitments funneled through a subsidiary organization called Eastern Cares (


Eastern Cares was established in 2002 to promote a vision of a caring company reaching out to what it identifies as the four “C’s” – Company, Community, Country and Cultures. These correspond to charitable works on behalf of fellow employees, local communities, national causes and worldwide charitable endeavors. Key elements include:


• Emergency Fund. This is fully funded through voluntary contributions by Eastern employees for the benefit of fellow employees in need of financial assistance, along with special disbursements following natural disasters such as Hurricane Katrina ($10,000 donated), Haiti’s earthquake ($2,500) and last spring’s tornado outbreak throughout the Southeast ($1,250). Eastern’s associates have raised more than $90,000 since the fund’s inception in 2004, averaging about $100 a year per employee. About $50,000 of that total has gone to benefit fellow associates. A committee of Eastern associates governs dispersal.


• Cares Fund. The Cares Fund is funded by Eastern associates with, in some instances, a company match. Since its inception in 2006, the Cares Fund has raised more than $47,000 in total contributions, including a special donation of $1,000 by Apollo/Conbraco. This fund targets external charitable causes spanning community, country and cultures. Globally, it supports the Children’s Home in Tanzania and the building of a church in Mumbai, India. The Cares Fund also contributes to national and community-based groups such as the March of Dimes, Meals on Wheels and American Cancer Society, as well as faith-based organizations such as the Campus Crusade for Christ and Fellowship of Christian Athletes. In the name of country, the Cares Fund has supported packages for our troops in Iraq, flood aid to Tennessee, Helping Hands Ministry and numerous other worthy causes.


• Missional Program. Eastern grants associates up to five days per year of paid leave, exclusive of vacation or other paid time off, to participate in mission-oriented work sponsored by a civic, religious or other nonprofit organization. Since the program’s inception in 2006, Eastern associates have devoted more than 1,000 hours to missionary work both close to home and in places as far-flung as Peru, West Indies, Kenya and Tanzania. In early 2012 about a dozen associates are expected to travel to Tanzania to assist with projects at the Children’s Home they sponsor. This is hardly a vacation excursion. After landing at the airport in the country’s capital of Dar es Salaam, they face a grueling journey by vehicle that can take as long as 10 hours via primitive rural roads.


• Workplace Chaplains. Eastern provides chaplain service for associates in need of various forms of personal assistance. The chaplains are ordained ministers recruited from the communities where their local branches operate. They preside over weddings and funerals, offer premarital and marital counseling, financial counseling and, on a few occasions, legal counseling.


• Scholarships/Educational Assistance. Eastern provides scholarship assistance to the children or grandchildren of associates, as well as assisting associates with continuing education funds to advance their career-based training and goals.


• Adoption Assistance. Eastern offers financial support to associates seeking to grow their families through adoption.


• Emergency Health Care. Eastern also supports training of associates in CPR, first aid and defibrillator operation. “I don’t want to take credit for all of the ideas,” Miller insisted. “I’ve learned a lot from going to different conferences about God in the workplace and how to be a Christian businessman in deeds rather than words.”


Eastern Cares About Business, Too - Money has to be generated before it can be given away. To that end Eastern has built an impressive PVF business serving mechanical contractors and industrial customers from 10 operating locations in the Carolinas, Georgia, Alabama and Florida. Corporate headquarters in Greenville occupies a separate building, giving Eastern 11 locations altogether. Six years ago they started a commercial plumbing division that now accounts for around 20% of revenues.


Kip Miller did not grow up in the business like most PVF veterans. He started with Eastern in 1980 after nine months of searching for work as a young college graduate in that recession-wracked year. George Bagwell, Eastern’s owner, was impressed with the young man and by 1985 promoted Miller to vice president and put him in charge of sales. Around that time Bagwell also created a succession plan aimed at having Miller acquire ownership of the company through a buy-sell agreement.


Eastern was a small company at the time with only 13 employees and about $3 million in revenues. News spread of Miller’s talent and he was on the cusp of accepting a job offer from one of the industry’s giants when word came on New Year’s Eve of 1986 that Eastern’s owner had died suddenly of a heart attack. Miller was faced with a momentous decision. “I didn’t really have aspirations to own the company,” he told me. On the other hand, Miller said that he felt a sense of obligation to the other employees and to fulfill Bagwell’s faith in him. “It just didn’t feel right to leave.”


The Eastern he inherited was a company with a good reputation for customer service but operationally backward. Vendors were slow to get paid. The company was still using a Kardex inventory control system long after most competitors had computerized. Miller spent the ensuing years modernizing operations via Eclipse’s distribution management system and then turned attention to growth. In 1995 the company opened its first new branch in Anderson, SC. Then came eight more branch openings or acquisitions between 1998 and 2008, with revenues climbing in excess of $60 million.


Core Values - The Company defines its core values as honesty, integrity, caring, self-responsibility and being positive. These values came into focus around the time Eastern Cares was formed in 2002. That coincided with an epidemic of corporate sleaze in which business news was dominated by scandals associated with Enron, WorldCom and other perpetrators. “Corporate America wasn’t trusted anymore,” Miller said. “They all seemed to lose sight of the God-given values we grew up with, but which sometimes get lost in the business world.”


“Honesty is paramount,” he continued. “Sometimes it seems that in the supply business, if you’re honest, you’re an exception.” Miller clarified that statement to make sure everyone understands he’s not accusing competitors of cheating or illegal behavior, but of the little white lies that casually get told day after day in the business world – “I can get that by tomorrow … The check’s in the mail.” Eastern core values require associates to level with customers, vendors and one another about what can and cannot be achieved.


What began as a movement toward a pray-care-share lifestyle in the workplace has morphed into multiple understandings of what this phrase might mean. Whatever name you choose to call this revolutionary way of business, and whatever tradition, secular or spiritual, might inspire it, compassionate business practices begin within each individual’s core and spread throughout the company through their thoughts, actions, and words. When an organization recognizes the importance of humanizing the workplace and its leaders begin to implement compassionate practices, the climate and the culture of the organization is transformed


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God calls us to be transformed by his love in order to make us instruments of his love to the whole world. And the routines of our lives are part of a mighty symphony, because in God’s orchestral hall the “transformation movement” is never limited to the religious elements of life. In fact, more than in houses of worship, it is taking place in the marketplace.

The marketplace (the heart of the nation) has already been redeemed by Jesus and now needs to be reclaimed by His followers. When we are living in God’s world, we can walk and work in confidence that what we do will make an eternal difference, and we certainly don’t have to “manufacture” it with magnificent sights and sounds. Because God equips us with unique gifts and talents designed to shine light where there has been darkness. Even silence is part of God’s plan less we forget that much of the extraordinary deeds that are radically transforming schools, companies, prisons, cities, and even nations comes to us through ordinary things. 

That’s where most of us live. But the fact that we do so does not mean we simply put life on some kind of spiritual autopilot. We cannot change what we do not embrace. We cannot fix what we don't know is broken. If we “speak peace to people and to the systems that are around us” in times of challenge, we “listen to find out where the pain and brokenness is” in our schools, workplaces, and neighborhoods in our regular lives. If we talk to God about someone else's problem, and let it be known that the kingdom of God is near, we can connect people’s need with God's resources and confirm that the power and presence of God is "in the neighborhood". 

We do not pray as those called to build the Church but as those who are called to take the Kingdom of God where the kingdom of darkness is still entrenched in order for Jesus to build His Church. For we are called to do ordinary things in a way that will bring the will of God in heaven to our earth every day as we seek to dislodge systems within our spheres of influence that keep us and others poor, spiritually, relationally, materially and motivationally. And it begins with something as simple as two words: “Our Father….”

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The Four Steps of Prayer Evangelism

The believer's role in advancing the Kingdom of God is described by Jesus in Luke 10:1-9. In this passage Jesus instructs His disciples to go into cities and do four things which constitute the Prayer Evangelism model that Bishop Vaughn McLaughlin engaged us tonight to know the proper order to winning souls:

  1. Bless the people they meet: 
Whatever house you enter, first say, 'Peace be to this house'.
  2. Fellowship with them: 
Stay in that house, eating and drinking what they give you, for the laborer is worthy of his wages.
  3. Pray for their felt needs: 
Heal those in it who are sick …
  4. Proclaim the Kingdom: 
Say to them, the kingdom of God has come near to you.

When we follow these steps people will be ready to hear us. That is why four years ago, we set the goal to have all the streets of the city prayer walked by believers prayer walking their streets weekly. Jacksonville is the largest city geographically in the country and has more streets than any other city - 18,000. For the last two years, we had 12% of the streets of the city regularly prayer walked.

The result:  the city's crime rate dropped 12% two years ago, another 12% last year and so far, it is down 8% this year. This means crime has dropped an accumulative 39% in the last two and half years. Crime is at a 40 year low!

Also four years ago, we challenged churches to prayer walk the elementary, middle or high school near them on the Sunday afternoon before school starts in the fall and the Sunday afternoon after school starts again in January. In the process, relationships were established between the neighborhood schools and churches.

The result:  124 of the 169 public schools in Jacksonville now have a 220 formal church/school partnerships in which the churches serve the schools by meeting expressed needs of the schools for tutors, assistant coaches, landscaping, secretarial assistance, food pantries, clothes closets, etc.

Transform Jacksonville and Northeast Florida also seeks to develop strategies to reach the key influence areas of the city - government/military, education, business, arts, media and the family and help a new generation of change agents leverage the power of the institutions, neighborhoods, and intermediaries of our city. Currently, we have a leadership team in education, family and business areas. 

We believe God is telling his people where the battleground is. It was right here in our city where culture will be won or lost. Our assignment is to "seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper" (Jeremiah 29:7). Therefore, we are convinced that this Christ-centered approach to city transformation is absolutely essential to the renewal of our education sector and the other sectors, institutions, neighborhoods, and intermediaries of our city.

If you missed tonight's message, please log on to the website:

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Please make this a matter of prayer. There is absolutely no good reason to keep religion, or people of faith, from the American public square. … If faith and reason inform each other, as believers know they do, then one cannot force faith to withdraw without ensuring that the results will be significantly less than fully reasonable.

Great things happen when big ideas collide with the ability to do something about them. Though atheists plan to sue an Alabama City after police partnered with pastors to fight crime with Christianity, unwavering integration of faith and politics is exactly what our nation needs.

Our faith compels us to advocate solutions that are, at their core, redemptive. And I believe this is one of those times.  We may debate what Jesus would do, or not do, in such a time as this.  But surely we cannot imagine him telling us not to be involved in standing against forms of violence that leave children dead in the streets.

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