Christopher E. Skeens's Posts (2)

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The Church of Jesus Christ at Ravenswood WV is not a physical location, structure, or institution. The Church of Jesus Christ at Ravenswood, WV is the people that have believed, confessed and been baptized into Jesus Christ as their Savior that assemble for fervent, effectual prayer for the will and purpose of Christ to be done and fulfilled in our city. This prayer effort began with two local pastors meeting weekly in prayer with the desire for the Body of Christ to "love one another as Christ loves us" so our city would be moved into our Heavenly Father's salvation plan through Jesus Christ.

Ravenswood WV is a small city with a population of just under 5000 and located about 50 miles north of the state’s capitol city of Charleston. The church history of our city is steeped rich in tradition and Gospel fervor. Through the years however, it seems that an independent and exclusive spirit has subsequently developed among differing congregational institutions. In some cases, there are heart breakinging stories where a local congregation esteems themselves as holding the “only” correct Biblical interpretation and Gospel worship expression, thereby yielding a tendency to look down upon or even condemn other congregations.

The LORD has allowed us to be aware of the condition within the Body of Christ in our city. His Word keeps revealing to us that "although we are many, we are still to be One." We are reminded of the great miracle of the 5 loaves and 2 fishes that feed 5000 plus where Jesus told the disciples to "gather up the fragments that nothing be lost.” Gathering up the fragments that nothing be lost echoes in our hearts for our city, state, and beyond.

For this cause, for many years we have been praying for The Body of Christ in our city...

Lord, we are pastors carrying this burden for personal and congregation repentance of any harms that may have occurred toward one another. Together, with those that will allow themselves to follow, we send up to You a concerto of compassionate prayer; harmonizing (united), fervent, prayer. Out of this voice oh Lord, hear our prayer, and call the congregations and city to Yourself."

What are outcomes that we have witnessed in Ravenswood through authentic prayer assembly? Here are a few....

1. A more compassionate spirit and attitude within each congregation and among congregations that includes desire for combined local congregational worship.
2. A city government that recognizes local pastors more connected, inviting them to be involved in prayer for city leadership decisions.
3. City schools inviting pastors to come to their school, be a presence, and bless their schools, students, and staff.
4. City businesses inviting pastors to come to their establishments to pray and bless the business.

5. Jesus Christ working within pastors a purposeful fellowship with each other and deep experiences with Him through assembled prayer.

We are compassionately praying for local pastors that do not yet participate in the prayer gatherings. Even though all of the pastors that we have invited to prayer agree that praying together is the right thing to do, they also confess that they feel not at liberty to be with us; which we receive as an honest, heart felt confession. Regardless, we love and pray for those wonderful pastors and their congregations that they will bring many souls to Christ in their special Gospel presentation and expression.

The Church of Jesus Christ in Ravenswood, WV Covenant:

Let each local congregation of Jesus Christ show encouragement and love toward each other, respecting one another's displays of excellent worship and Gospel teaching, and allowing our community to be touched by this connection (conjunction), so that we are the "admirable conjunction of diverse excellencies", the Church of Jesus Christ in Ravenswood, WV.

Pastor Chris Skeens

The Church of Jesus Christ at Ravenswood, WV

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Our pastors and ministry leaders continue to humble before our Heavenly Father and each other in prayer. The focus of our prayer is upon the compassion of Jesus Christ from where His death on the Cross paid for our eternal salvation. It is His compassion that saves us and He has commanded that we express it to each other.

We believe God our Father is calling us to recognize each other as more than members of differing church institutions. We are the family of God, brothers and sisters through Christ, and demonstrate Him, not only in a physical building or structure, but His people as a whole, the Church of Jesus Christ in Ravenswood.

In the early 2nd Century AD, St. Ignatius of Antioch, commending the church at Ephesus, wrote:

It is fitting that you should run together…for your justly renowned presbyters,… are fitted as strings are to the harp. Therefore, in your concord and harmonious love, Jesus Christ is sung. You should become a choir, so that being harmonious in love, and taking up the song of God in unison, you may with one voice sing to the Father through Jesus Christ, so that He may both hear you and perceive by your words that you are indeed the members of His Son. It is profitable, therefore, that you should live in blameless unity, so that you may always enjoy communion with God.[1]

That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. John 17:21

There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. Eph 4:4-6.

In His Grace,
Pastor Chris Skeens
The Church of Jesus Christ in Ravenswood

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