Finding God's will in a matter can be a struggle--especially if a group is trying to discern it. I encourage you to read the article below "7 Discernment Prayers for Leadership Decisions." And check out the resource 7 Prayers for Discernment and Decision Making by Kim Butts. This simple process can help leadership groups and individuals pray through to discern God's will on a matter.

Also in this issue is a link to my newest episode of the "Pray Beyond with Jon Graf" podcast "Learn to Walk and Talk with God Every Day." You will be blessed as you hear longtime prayer discipler Dean Ridings share on this topic.


7 Discernment Prayers for Leadership Decisions

By Kim Butts

Leaders need to seek the presence of God together to discern His agenda, answers, plans, and purposes. Often we ask God to bless what we are planning, have already planned, or what we have decided and discerned apart from Him. God can lead us best when we make His glory our ultimate corporate goal and settle for nothing less.

Here are seven types of prayer to incorporate into our discernment process: . . .


A Group Decision-Making Prayer Process

Leadership in a church, ministry or Christian-owned business wants to discern direction from God in decisions that need to be made. 7 Prayers for Discernment and Decision Making is a unique guide that presents a highly practical prayer and discussion process for a group (or an individual) to go through in order to discern God's heart on a matter.


Podcast Discusses How to Daily Walk and Talk with God!

We all long to connect with God through prayer. How can we do it in a meaningful way? Dean Ridings, the author of Walking and Talking with God: A Simple Way to Pray Every Day and the Pray! Prayer Journal, Dean shares some key patterns for prayer that can change your walk with Jesus.


Especially Good for Those Who Want to Expand Prayer Life

In Walking and Talking with God: A Simple Way to Pray Every Day you will find practical help to deepen your walk with God through prayer. You’ll also be inspired to intercede for “everyone in your world” through a simple way to pray every day.


An Entire Issue of Prayer Connect on Topic of Discernment

"Discernment: Gaining Insight into God's Truth and Ways" will help you navigate how--through prayer--to seek God's will on issues. Includes insight for both individuals and groups such as elder boards.

Issue includes the following theme articles:

"The Practice of Discernment: Recognizing God's Voice and His Will" by Jamie Overholser

"Seven Discernment Prayers for Leadership Decisions" by Kim Butts

"Hearing God's Voice in a Deceptive World: Staying Spiritually Balanced in Truth" by Lee Grady

"Discerning the Times: Learn to Pray from Heaven's Perspective" by Bill Elliff

Only $3.00 each copy, less if buying multiple copies.

Your tax-deductible donation to the Church Prayer Leaders Network or Prayer Connect enables us to help more churches grow deeper into prayer!

Jonathan Graf
Church Prayer Leaders Network

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